baltimorecounty / BCPL-assets

Client side assets for the Baltimore County Public Library website
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Client side assets for the Baltimore County Public Library website

Build Status Coverage Status



You will need to do these steps the first time you setup the project.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install Git
  3. Install Node
  4. Install Python 2.7.x
  5. Install gulp
  6. Install C++ build tools (Must be installed as admin)
  7. Install all local dependencies with:

npm install



Builds the app for dev and or production to the dist folder. It does the following:

Note: When building for production ensure any constants files are pointing to production values.

  1. Compile all pug files into HTML, and copy into the 'dist' folder
  2. Compile and minify all sass stylesheets to css and place them in the 'dist/css' folder
  3. Create, minify, and lint the master js file, and copy into the 'dist/js' folder
  4. Copy images into the 'dist/images' folder
  5. Copy fonts into the 'dist/fonts' folder


Once you have built the dist files, you can push the changes to dev or production. These changes are manually uploaded to our current CMS. Currently there are no consistent ways to test changes than to publishing to dev.

*You may need to configure node for proxy.