bambora / checkout-sdk-android

Android SDK for Checkout
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Bambora Checkout SDK for Android

The Checkout SDK for Android provides the tools necessary for integrating Bambora Checkout with your Android application. The SDK helps with displaying the Checkout session, and sending out events during the payment flow.

Demo of the card payment flow.

Supported Android versions

Minimal supported API level: 26 (Android 8).


In order to use the Bambora Checkout SDK in your project, simply include it as a dependency.


The Checkout SDK is stored in the Maven Central Repository. To use dependencies from Maven Central in your project, you need to list mavenCentral as a repository in your project's settings.gradle.

pluginManagement {
    repositories {

Then add the SDK as a dependency in your project's build.gradle file. implementation com.bambora.checkout:androidsdk:2.0.2


Processing a payment through the Bambora Checkout SDK requires only a few easy steps:

  1. Creating a Checkout Session
  2. Initializing the SDK
  3. Showing the payment screen to your customer
  4. Receiving events
  5. Configuring 3rd party returns

Creating a Checkout Session

To initialize the SDK, you need a session token that can be obtained by creating a Checkout session. For details on how to create a Checkout session, have a look at the Bambora Development Documentation.

Initializing the SDK

Initialize the SDK like so:

val checkout = Bambora.checkout(sessionToken, appScheme, context)


Showing the payment screen to your customer

After having initialized the SDK, the Bambora Checkout UI can be displayed to your customer. To show the payment screen, simply call:


The SDK will render the Checkout web view in a pop up over the current screen. If the customer selects to pay with their wallet payment application, the SDK will make sure to open the corresponding app. The SDK will also handle the redirect back to the configured URL scheme.

Subscribing to events

The SDK is event-driven. This means that it will sent out events when something notable occurs during the payment flow. To be able to receive these events, you'll have to subscribe to them. This can be done in three different ways.

Instead of calling these functions on checkout each time, they can easily be applied at the same time on the same instance of the Checkout.

Bambora.checkout(sessionToken, appScheme, context, customUrl).apply {
    // any other functions you want to call on the Checkout instance

Receiving events

To handle the events that you have subscribed to, you need to assign an instance of CheckoutEventReceiver to your checkout's property checkoutEventReceiver. CheckoutEventReceiver needs to override the onEventDispatched(event: Event) function like below.

checkout.checkoutEventReceiver = object : CheckoutEventReceiver {
    override fun onEventDispatched(event: Event) {
        if (event is Event.Authorize) {
            // do something when an Authorize event was intercepted
        } else {
            // do something when any other event was intercepted

Make sure to at least handle the Authorize event. This will tell you when the payment is completed. IMPORTANT: do not fulfil the order based on the status in this event alone. Verify with your server whether the payment was indeed completed.

Events overview

These are the events that can occur during the payment flow. Event Trigger Data description
Authorize Sent when a payment has been authorized Contains payment data, such as txnId and orderId
CheckoutViewClose Sent when the payment screen has been closed Contains no data
PaymentTypeSelection Sent when a payment type has been selected Contains the payment type, such as paymentcard or mobilepay
CardTypeResolve Sent whenever enough digits of the payment card number have been entered to determine the payment card type Contains payment card type data, such as id and fee
ErrorEvent Sent when an error occurs Contains a BamboraException type, such as LoadSessionException or GenericException

More information about the different types of Events and their data, can be found at the Bambora Development Documentation.

3rd party returns

Most of the payment flows that are supported by this SDK include a step that takes place in a 3rd party's app or webpage. Follow the setup in this section to make sure that your customers will automatically return to your app to continue their purchase. The SDK uses the Android deep link feature for this.

Android Manifest

Add an activity with the following configuration to your AndroidManifest.xml. This will register that activity as the receiver (intent-filter) for Deep Links that open your app.

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

     android:scheme="<your-app-scheme>" />

Make sure to configure a scheme name that includes your app name or brand, so that it is unique for your app. Note that if you already use deep links in your app for other functionalities, and don't want to re-use the scheme name, Android allows you to configure multiple intent-filter activities with different scheme names.

You are free to rename the activity (ShoppingCartActivity in this example), but please leave the host and path values untouched.

Provide the configured scheme name during initialization of the SDK:

val checkout = Bambora.checkout(token, <your-app-scheme>, context)

Intent-filter Activity

In the configured intent-filter activity make sure that onNewIntent(intent: Intent?), but also onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) are implemented and can deal with incoming intents. If your app is closed in the background while your customer is finishing the payment, onCreate will be called instead of onNewIntent. The SDK is designed to handle the incoming deep link url. All you have to do is reinitialize the SDK by calling BamboraSDK.checkoutAfterReturn(deeplink).

class ShoppingCartActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private lateinit var binding: ActivityMainBinding
    internal val bamboraSDKHelper = BamboraSDKHelper(this)

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val deeplink = intent?.dataString
        if (deeplink != null) {

        // ...

    override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent?) {
        val deeplink = intent?.dataString
        if (deeplink != null) {

    fun processDeeplink(deeplink: String) {
        checkout = Bambora.checkoutAfterReturn(deeplink)

        // Provide the event receiver again to make sure it is set,
        // even if the app was closed during the payment.
        checkout.checkoutEventReceiver = myCheckoutEventReceiver

Closing the SDK

The Checkout SDK is closed automatically when a payment was authorized and therefore completed. In all other scenarios, the SDK can be closed by calling Bambora.close(). This is required before the SDK can be reinitialized for a new payment.

Note that, if the user is still completing the payment, this may cause the payment to fail.

When the SDK is closed, a few things happen:

Demo App

The included Demo App shows how you can use the Bambora Checkout SDK in your own app. It shows how to implement the following features: