bamlab / react-native-flipper-performance-monitor

An attempt to have a lighthouse for React Native. Flipper plugin to show a graph of the React Native performance monitor
MIT License
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Build issue on Android #8

Closed oferRounds closed 3 years ago

oferRounds commented 3 years ago


> Task :app:transformClassesAndResourcesWithR8ForRelease FAILED
ReactNativeFirebase WARNING: NPM package 'react-native-startup-trace' depends on '@react-native-firebase/app' vnull but found v12.1.0, this might cause build issues or runtime crashes.

Any idea how solve?

cogell commented 3 years ago

hey mate, can you share your package.js? first guess is that you dont have @react-native-firebase/app listed in dependencies

oferRounds commented 3 years ago

Hi mate, thanks! it is there actually, here is the all file. It actually stated when I changed this two android vriables to true, following this article:

// app/builld.gradle
def enableProguardInReleaseBuilds = true
def enableSeparateBuildPerCPUArchitecture = true
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    "start:ios_8": "npm run build && concurrently -r 'npm run watch' 'react-native run-ios --simulator=\"iPhone 8\"'",
    "start:ios_8p": "npm run build && concurrently -r 'npm run watch' 'react-native run-ios --simulator=\"iPhone 8 Plus\"'",
    "start:ios_x": "npm run build && concurrently -r 'npm run watch' 'react-native run-ios --simulator=\"iPhone X\"'",
    "start:ios_xr": "npm run build && concurrently -r 'npm run watch' 'react-native run-ios --simulator=\"iPhone XR\"'",
    "start:ios_xs": "npm run build && concurrently -r 'npm run watch' 'react-native run-ios --simulator=\"iPhone XS\"'",
    "start:ios_xsm": "npm run build && concurrently -r 'npm run watch' 'react-native run-ios --simulator=\"iPhone XS Max\"'",
    "start:ios_11": "npm run build && concurrently -r 'npm run watch' 'react-native run-ios --simulator=\"iPhone 11\"'",
    "start:ios_xp": "npm run build && concurrently -r 'npm run watch' 'react-native run-ios --simulator=\"iPhone 11 Pro\"'",
    "start:ios_12": "npm run build && concurrently -r 'npm run watch' 'react-native run-ios --simulator=\"iPhone 12\"'",
    "start:ios_12p": "npm run build && concurrently -r 'npm run watch' 'react-native run-ios --simulator=\"iPhone 12 Pro\"'",
    "start:ios_12m": "npm run build && concurrently -r 'npm run watch' 'react-native run-ios --simulator=\"iPhone 12 mini\"'",
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cogell commented 3 years ago

oh nice. actually digging into this more I see that vnull in

ReactNativeFirebase WARNING: NPM package 'react-native-startup-trace' depends on '@react-native-firebase/app' vnull but found v12.1.0, this might cause build issues or runtime crashes.

is coming from and it looks like that is null cause the correct peerDep is not listed in the project's package.json here

oferRounds commented 3 years ago

ahmmm... Thank you! Do you what I can do to fix it?

Almouro commented 3 years ago

Hi @oferRounds,

I don't think the warning from npm is necessarily related to the error. Could you share a bit more the logs before and after Task :app:transformClassesAndResourcesWithR8ForRelease FAILED? I think there should hopefully be something more precise there.

I've tried enabling proguard and separate builds and had no issue building a release build on a test app with this module.

However, this article seems to quite old. 🤔 Today I would personally recommend against both options unless you do see a great impact.

Then again, the last time I wanted to decrease my APK size, it was simple enough 😅: I just analysed my APK with Android studio, realized my images were too big and converted them all to webp. We went from ~40MB of assets to ~10MB

oferRounds commented 3 years ago

Hi @Almouro what a great answer – thank you for this info!!! I actually just understood it later, after I wrote, that I actually don’t need – we do use bundle instead of apk, so it seems we’re good

Thank you again! Really appreciate your reply. Closing this issue