bamlab / react-native-flipper-performance-monitor

An attempt to have a lighthouse for React Native. Flipper plugin to show a graph of the React Native performance monitor
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flipper performance react-native

React Native Performance Monitor Flipper plugin

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Here's a detailed article to go further

  1. Disable JS Dev Mode in the settings (shake your device to open the development menu, then click settings)
  2. Click Start Measuring
  3. Do stuff in your app
  4. Check the score!

This is how the score is calculated below, quite naively, but open to suggestions:


Note that:



Search for rn-perf-monitor in the list of plugins.

Install for non-Expo projects

Install the plugin

yarn add --dev react-native-flipper-performance-plugin

Then go to iOS/Android section below to continue the install


Then depending on your RN version:

>= v0.68.0

(You can check how it's done in the example folder)

// Add those 4 lines before @implementation AppDelegate
#import <FlipperKit/FlipperClient.h>
#import <FlipperPerformancePlugin.h>

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
// And those 4 lines before RCTAppSetupPrepareApp
  FlipperClient *client = [FlipperClient sharedClient];
  [client addPlugin:[FlipperPerformancePlugin new]];
< 0.68.0
// Add this line
#import <FlipperPerformancePlugin.h>

static void InitializeFlipper(UIApplication *application) {

  // Add this line
  [client addPlugin:[FlipperPerformancePlugin new]];

  [client start];


In ./android/app/src/debug/java/com/yourapp/ (where com/yourapp depends on your app), add:

import tech.bam.rnperformance.flipper.RNPerfMonitorPlugin;


client.addPlugin(new RNPerfMonitorPlugin(reactInstanceManager));

Migrating from flipper-plugin-rn-performance-android

You might have previously installed flipper-plugin-rn-performance-android. This is now deprecated, as react-native-flipper-performance-plugin has autolinking and cross-platform support.

You also need to run these steps:

Uninstall the package:

yarn remove flipper-plugin-rn-performance-android

Then remove those lines in ./android/settings.gradle:

include ':flipper-plugin-rn-performance-android'
project(':flipper-plugin-rn-performance-android').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/flipper-plugin-rn-performance-android')

and in ./android/app/build.gradle:

debugImplementation project(':flipper-plugin-rn-performance-android')

Install for Expo projects

  1. This plugin does not work with Expo Go, since it adds native code. You can use an Expo custom-dev-client instead.

  2. Install the Expo Flipper plugin. Documentation can be found here: Expo Community Flipper. Install the module along with react-native-flipper:

    TL;DR: yarn add -D expo-community-flipper react-native-flipper

  3. Add expo-community-flipper configuration to the plugins section of your app.json. Please check Expo Community Flipper documentation if you need further settings.

  4. Add the plugin to this library AFTER expo-community-flipper

  "expo": {
    "plugins": [
      ["expo-community-flipper"], // first
      ["react-native-flipper-performance-plugin"] // add this after

Make sure to run expo prebuild or expo prebuild --clean afterwards. If the plugin is not recognized on iOS, make sure you call npx pod-install or cd ios && pod install in the root directory of your project.

Best practice

This library helps you to calculate a Lighthouse score similar to PageSpeed Insights. However, the tool is of no use to you if you cannot draw any optimizations from it. That is why it is recommended to use the plugin together with React DevTools.

The easiest way to use React DevTools is to install it as follows:

yarn add -D react-devtools-core

Then edit your App.tsx/App.js with following default settings.

import { connectToDevTools } from "react-devtools-core";

if (__DEV__) {
    host: "localhost",
    port: 8097,

With DevTools you can easily determine why your app is taking too much time for a particular task, most importantly you can find out if you are re-rendering too often. Especially with lists, this can quickly become a knitting trap. Optimize your code and measure the FPS afterwards to get a decent score.

Contributing to flipper Desktop

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Add path to your local react-native-performance folder in ~/.flipper/config.json as shown on the flipper docs
  3. Run yarn watch inside flipper-desktop
  4. Connect your debug app with the flipper android plugin installed.
  5. You should now see your plugin appear in Flipper.