bamlab / react-native-project-config

Monorepo with packages for setting up ESLint, Typescript, Prettier and Jest.
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react-native-project-config by BAM

Monorepo with packages for setting up ESLint and Typescript for any new React Native project.


The goal of the project is too have a set of configuration files that can be easily imported into a new project, which would reduce the burden of starting new projects.

This repo uses lerna to maintain, version and publish various packages for configuring ESLint and Typescript.

There is also an example app under packages/example-app whose goal is to demonstrate how to import and use the configuration packages.

Using the configurations

Installing the project

✅ Check: in the example-app in eslint-breaking-examples you should see the eslint errors.

Modifying the project

To have a complete understanding on how to modify the project, see Lerna's documentation.

Here are some useful commands:

Conventional commits

We use conventional commits to automate the release process.

If you add a new rule to a config, this is a breaking change, because it could make the CI fail on projects that use the plugin. The commit name where you add the new rule needs to follow this pattern BREAKING CHANGE: the description of your commit

Publishing a new version of a package

The publication is done automatically by this Github Workflow when a new tag is pushed to the repository. All you have to do is the versioning of the packages you want to publish.

You need to be on the main branch and have the repo write access to publish a new version.

Run yarn lerna version to start the process. It will run the command yarn lerna version --conventional-commits --no-private.

Lerna will prompt you to select the version bump for each package. It will also generate the changelog for each package based on the commit messages since the last version.

Versioning and changelogs generation using conventional commits

Here's an example of the output:

lerna info Looking for changed packages since
lerna info getChangelogConfig Successfully resolved preset "conventional-changelog-angular"

 - 1.0.0 => 1.1.0

It will then push a tagged commit chore(release): Publish which will then trigger the Github Workflow to publish the new version of each package to NPM.

Unpublish a package version

If you want to unpublish a package, you have to be contributor of (in this case for the eslint plugin). Use the following commad: npm unpublish

Running commands

How to contribute