bananu7 / MiniCraft

Amateur clone of Minecraft. I want to do it properly.
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Amateur clone of Minecraft. I want to do it properly.

Build instructions

Please excuse me for the current state of affairs, but I am the only one actively working on this project right now, and while the feedback is very nice, I still have to code it myself.

Right now Minicraft runs on SFML Window creation and Input; I don't use prebuilt SFML packages; instead, they are compiled from source together with engine code; I found this approach safer and easier to ensure smooth builds on *ix systems.

Common Mistakes

I'm putting these at the top; please, don't get this wrong again

  1. Make absolutely sure you got develop-2.0 branch of Engine
  2. SOIL image library isn't used; it has been replaced alltogether by FreeImage. If you happen to stumble on ImageData.cpp, just delete it.
  3. The same goes for rapidxml parser (replaced by PugiXML) and Scene.cpp

New Build

You can now build Minicraft on both linux and windows using provided SConstruct file (requires Python and SCons). It will use default compiler on linux, and is set up for MinGW on Windows. It's pretty easy to change it for MSVS toolchain generation and I will add this in the future.

Right now it depends on Lua 5.1, FreeImage, glm and GLEW.

Simply cd to the project folder and type:

$ scons

Old Build

You can try using that, but only SCons is "oficially" supported by me right now.


My original development platform is hardly obtainable for everyone, because I am using Intel C++ Compiler; I'm however constantly checking the build on VS compiler for compatibility.

  1. You will need VS 2012 (it can be without CTP updates, stock release should work fine).
  2. Get the source of Minicraft from master branch and Engine from develop-2.0 (That's very important)
  3. Build the Engine first; One thing you might wanna set up is the Boost path; if you know how to configure VS for that, it shouldn't be a problem. If you are building for the first time, I suggest building Debug target first
  4. After that, open up the Minicraft .sln, set up the path for library directories to point to your newly made Engine .lib (or just make a folder inside and copy .lib (and presumably .pdb) there)
  5. If it builds and links, hit Run. Feel free to report any crashes from this point as Issues here.


Thanks to @sehe for first build attempt.

Plans for future (regarding build)

  1. Integrating Engine as subrepo (I haven't done it yet for various reasons) to ease the cloning