banditoth / MAUI.Packages

A toolkit for .NET MAUI 🏝, containing useful stuff to ease development for MAUI applications.
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banditoth's MAUI.Packages 🏝

A toolkit for .NET MAUI, containing useful stuff to ease development for MAUI applications.


Package name NuGet status Android iOS Windows MacCatalyst Tizen
banditoth.MAUI.Multilanguage nuGet version βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
banditoth.MAUI.DeviceId nuGet version βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… ❌
banditoth.MAUI.JailbreakDetector nuGet version βœ… βœ… ❌ ❌ ❌
banditoth.MAUI.PreferencesExtension nuGet version βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
banditoth.MAUI.MVVM nuGet version βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…

Azure DevOps

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A multilanguage translation provider for XAML and for code behind.


A full tutorial can be found here


Create your resx files in your solution. For example if your applications default language is English, create a Translations.en.resx file, which contains the english translations, and if you want to support Hungarian language, you need to create a file, which will contain the hungarian key value pairs. You can add different resx files, also from different assembly. Just call the UseResource when initalizing the plugin multiple times.

Usage in cs files: Inject or resolve an ITranslator instance from the dependency continaer.

public string Foo()
    // Get the currently set culture
    if(translator.CurrentCulture.Name != "English")
        // Set the culture by calling SetCurrentCulture
        translator.SetCurrentCulture(new CultureInfo("en"));

    // Get the translation from resources
    return translator.GetTranslation("The_Translation_Key")

Usage in XAML files:

Start using translations in your XAML by adding reference to the clr-namespace and using the markup extension:


Whenever you need a translation, you can use:

<Label IsVisible="True"
       Text="{multilanguage:Translation Key=TranslationKey}"/>


Initalize the plugin within your MauiProgram.cs's CreateMauiApp method. Use the .ConfigureMultilanguage extension method with the using banditoth.MAUI.Multilanguage;

        public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
            var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder()
                .ConfigureMultilanguage(config =>
                    // Set the source of the translations
                    // You can use multiple resource managers by calling UseResource multiple times.

                    // If the app is not storing last used culture, this culture will be used by default
                    config.UseDefaultCulture(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"));

                    // Determines whether the app should store the last used culture

                    // Determines whether the app should throw an exception if a translation is not found.

                    // You can set custom translation not found text by calling this method 
                    config.SetTranslationNotFoundText("Transl_Not_Found:", appendTranslationKey: true);

            return builder.Build();


nuGet version Nuget View package on


Initalize the plugin within your MauiProgram.cs's CreateMauiApp method. Use the .ConfigureDeviceIdProvider extension method with the using banditoth.MAUI.DeviceId;

    public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
        var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
            .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
                fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
                fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");

        return builder.Build();


Use the code with by resolving an instance of IDeviceIdProvider.

The GetDeviceId method returns an unique device identifier. On Android it serves the data from AndroidId, on iOS and MacCatalyst it uses the IdentifierForVendor. Windows returns the GetSystemIdForPublisher().Id as a string.

The GetInstallationId method generates an unique identifier for the application, which will be stored until the application is being reinstalled, or the application's data being erased.


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A lightweight root and jailbreak detection algorithm for Android and iOS with .NET MAUI.


Configure your desired settings in the CreateMauiApp method. See the possible configuration options at the Initalization section. You can dependency inject the jailbreak detector instance, by resolving an instance of IJailbreakDetector. Check IsSupported() to make sure that the current platform supports the detection algorithm or not. If it is, you can use the detection methods. By calling IsRootedOrJailbrokenAsync() the boolean result will be evaluated with your configuration options. By calling ScanExploitsAsync you can process the discovered exploits and warnings during the scan - It returns a ScanResult. ScanResult has a property named PossibilityPercentage. This percentage tells you how confidently you can tell whether a device has been jailbroken or rooted. Different types of tests contribute different weights to the final result.


public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
            var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder()
                .ConfigureJailbreakProtection(configuration =>
                    configuration.MaximumPossibilityPercentage = 20;
                    configuration.MaximumWarningCount = 1;
                    configuration.CanThrowException = true;
            return builder.Build();


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This code is extending the basic functions of the built in MAUI Essentials IPreferences by letting the developers to save any type of object. This is done by using JSON serialization, and saving the raw jsons as strings with the default IPreferences implementation. Please consider saving large objects with it. Since JSON arrays can be serialized back to any collection type, you can use different types when Setting the value and when Getting it back.

1. Method - Dependency injection

If you used to dependency inject the IPreferences class, you can use this tool without any differencies. Call the SetObject or GetObject extension method on the IPreferences.

    private readonly IPreferences preferences;

    public MainPage(IPreferences preferences)
        this.preferences = preferences;

    private void Foo()
        List<string> taleItems = new List<string>()
            "The quick brown fox",
            "Jumps over the lazy dog"

        preferences.SetObject<List<string>>("Tale", taleItems);

        string[] taleItemsFromPreferences = preferences.GetObject<string[]>("Tale", null);

2. Method - Static preferences

If you are used to access the preferences trough the static class, you can use this tool by accessing the Default property on the Preferences class. You can call the SetObject or GetObject extension method on it.

            // Setting the value
            Preferences.Default.SetObject<IDeviceInfo>("Device_Information", DeviceInfo.Current);
            // Getting the value
            Preferences.Default.GetObject<IDeviceInfo>("Device_Information", null);

3. Method - Custom static class

You can also access the SetObject or GetObject method on PreferencesExtension static class.

            // Setting the value
            PreferencesExtension.SetObject<DisplayOrientation>("Last_Display_Orientation", orientation);
            // Getting the value
            PreferencesExtension.GetObject<DisplayOrientation>("Last_Display_Orientation", DisplayOrientation.Landscape);


nuGet version Nuget View package on

A ViewModel first driven MVVM Library.


If you want to get an instance of a page, just simply inject or resolve an INavigator instance and call


If you want to pass parameters from one ViewModel to an another, make an internal or a public method to your ViewModel class (I do usually call it Initalize), and get the instance like this:

navigator.GetInstance<ExampleViewModel>((viewModel, view) =>
  // Invoke public methods of ViewModel from here 
  // View is also accessible here.
  view.IsEnabled = false;

If the Initalizer delegate should not run on the ThreadPool, give false value to the initalizeOnDifferentThread parameter

You do not have to always register your View and ViewModel connections. You can use the following snippet to get page instances, which are not Registered it the .ConfigureMvvm call.


Derive your ViewModels from the BaseViewModel class, which gives you the following advantages: You can override the following methods in the derived viewmodel classes, which gets executed as the method name says


Initalize the plugin within your MauiProgram.cs's CreateMauiApp method. Use the .ConfigureMvvm extension method with the using banditoth.MAUI.MVVM; Register the ViewModel and View connections with the configuration builder's Register method.

    public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
        var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
            .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
                fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
                fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");
            .ConfigureMvvm(config =>
                // To register view and viewmodel connections
                config.Register(typeof(Example1ViewModel), typeof(AnotherPage));
                // To remove a connection
                // You can make conditions with the IsContainsViewModel method
                bool isContaining = config.IsContainsViewModel(typeof(Example2ViewModel));

        return builder.Build();

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