bannzai / UserDefaultsGenerator

UserDefaultsGenerator generate swift code for easily management for (NS)UserDefaults key and value type.
MIT License
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UserDefaultsGenerator generate swift code for easily management for (NS)UserDefaults key and value type.


First, you should prepare udg.yml file of below structure.

- name: numberOfIndent
  type: Int

- name: UserSelectedDarkMode
  type: Bool
  key: DarkMode

- name: XYZ
  type: Array

Next, and exec below command.

$ udg generate 

Last, you can confirm result of udg command about generated swift code for managiment UserDefaults.

public enum UDGArrayKey: String {
  case XYZ
public enum UDGBoolKey: String {
  case UserSelectedDarkMode = "DarkMode"
public enum UDGIntKey: String {
  case numberOfIndent

// MARK: - UserDefaults Array Extension
extension UserDefaults {
  public func array(forKey key: UDGArrayKey) -> [Any]? {
    return array(forKey: key.rawValue)
  public func set(_ value: [Any]?, forKey key: UDGArrayKey) {
    set(value, forKey: key.rawValue)
// MARK: - Bool Extension
extension UserDefaults {
  public func bool(forKey key: UDGBoolKey) -> Bool {
    return bool(forKey: key.rawValue)
  public func set(_ value: Bool, forKey key: UDGBoolKey) {
    set(value, forKey: key.rawValue)
// MARK: - Int Extension
extension UserDefaults {
  public func integer(forKey key: UDGIntKey) -> Int {
    return integer(forKey: key.rawValue)
  public func set(_ value: Int, forKey key: UDGIntKey) {
    set(value, forKey: key.rawValue)

udg command option

$ udg --help
  udg [command]

Available Commands:
  generate    generate [--output $OUTPUT_PATH] [--config $CONFIG_PATH] [--template $TEMPLATE_PATH]
  setup       setup can be generated example config file
  help        Help about any command

udg generate command option description

Option Description
--output Output path for generated swift code. Default is UserDefaultsGenerator.generated.swift
--config Input configuration path of yml file. Default is ./udg.yml
--template Using template path about swift code. Template format is stencil.

Yaml Configuration

Key Description Required/Optional
name Name of UserDefaults type key Required
type Type of UserDefaults stored value Required
key Custom key name if you want to use different name Optional

Supported Swift Type

Everything supported by Apple's UserDefaults is supported in a similar format. Document:

SwiftType Yaml configuration type name
Any Any
[Any] Array
[String: Any] Dictionary
String String
[String] StringArray
Data Data
Bool Bool
Int Int
Float Float
Double Double

See also, SwiftType.swift


It is recommended to use mint

$ mint install bannzai/UserDefaultsGenerator


UserDefaultsGenerator is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.