baoshi / ESP-I2C-OLED

ESP8266 I2C OLED Demonstration
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SSD1305/1306 OLED driver for ESP8266

This project demostrates how to drive SSD1305/1306 based OLED panel using ESP8266. The project is build with ESP8266 RTOS SDK available at, and compile using Espressif supplied VM. Other useful modules within this project includes:

In my testing environment, I have one SSD1306 128x32 panel and one SSD1306 128x64 panel connected on soft I2C bus. GPIO4 is used for SCL and GPIO5 for SDA. One panel, the 128x32 one, needs a RESET line on GPIO12. You may edit i2c.c and ssd1306_i2c.c to change pin configuration.

If you feel this code is useful, please support my ESP8266 breadboard adapter on Tindie store:

Copyright (c) 2015, Baoshi Zhu. All rights reserved. Source code in this project is governed by BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.