barbagroup / bempp_exafmm_paper

Manuscript repository for our research paper, including reproducibility packages for all results, and latex source files.
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bem biophysics electrostatics fmm

High-productivity, high-performance workflow for virus-scale electrostatic simulations with Bempp-Exafmm

Tingyu Wang, Christopher D. Cooper, Timo Betcke, Lorena A. Barba

Manuscript repository, including all source files for the text and reproducibility packages for all figures.

Preprint on arxiv:2103.01048

Reproducibility package archives

See the README in the repro-pack folder for instructions.



Not all content in this repository is open source. The Python code for creating the figures is shared under a BSD3 License. The written content in any Jupyter Notebooks is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. But please note that the manuscript text is not open source; we reserve rights to the article content, which will be submitted for publication in a journal. Only fair use applies in this case.