barryofguilder / butchers-market-assemble

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The Butcher's Market (version 2)

Source code for The Butcher's Market website (


The following steps only need to be done once per machine:

  1. Ensure that Node.js is installed.
  2. Ensure that Grunt is installed by running npm install -g grunt-cli.
  3. Ensure that Bower is installed by running npm install -g bower.


The following needs to be done whenever you're going to start working on the site:

  1. Open Terminal and type cd then a space, drag your repository folder into Terminal and press return.
  2. Run npm install to ensure the required dependencies are installed.
  3. Run bower install to ensure the required dependencies are installed.
  4. Run grunt to build the site for development or grunt build to build the site for deploying.

Note: As a shortcut, you can run this single command to do steps 2-4:

npm install && bower install && grunt

To get out of the development task, press control + c.