bartaxyz / engineering-management-handbook

Engineering leadership book being written & edited in the open
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Engineering Management Handbook

An open-source book on leadership in software engineering. This repository not only houses the content but also the scripts and automation tools to generate various formats of the book (website, epub, physical book format, etc.).

Square Mockup


Contribution Guidelines

We welcome contributions! Whether you're fixing typos, suggesting improvements, or adding new content, your efforts are appreciated. Before contributing, please review our to ensure consistency and clarity across the book.

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking this repository to your account.
  2. Clone Your Fork: Clone your fork to your local machine.
  3. Create a New Branch: For every change, especially new contributions, create a new branch.
  4. Make Changes: Add your content or make modifications.
  5. Push and Create a Pull Request: Push your changes to your fork and then create a pull request. Please provide a clear description of your changes in the PR.

Building the Book

If you wish to build the book locally:

  1. Install pandoc
  2. Navigate to the root directory.
  3. Run the build script:
  4. Check the /dist directory for the generated formats.

Continuous Delivery

This repository uses GitHub Actions to automatically build and publish the book as epub. The workflow is triggered on every push to the main branch. The workflow is defined in (.github/workflows/build.yml)[.github/workflows/build.yml].

Versioning is done automatically by assembling the day & time of the build. For example, a build on August 19, 2023 at 1:47 PM would be versioned as v2023.


The license for this project is not yet determined. Please refer to the license github issue for more information.