bartblast / hologram

Full stack isomorphic Elixir web framework
Apache License 2.0
335 stars 6 forks source link


Hologram is a full-stack isomorphic Elixir web framework that can be used on top of Phoenix.

Inspired by

Hologram was inspired by Elm, Phoenix LiveView, Surface, Svelte, Vue.js and Ruby on Rails.

How it works

Hologram simplifies web app development by breaking it down into basic building blocks: Layouts, Pages, and Components.

Hologram analyzes the content of your Pages, which need to follow certain conventions. Based on this analysis, it decides which code should run on the client (in the web browser) and which should run on the server. Then, it converts the client-side code into JavaScript.

Keeping the state (data) on the client side makes the programming model simpler. With stateless or stateful components, the app becomes more scalable.

In Hologram, code meant for the client is organized into "actions," while code meant for the server is organized into "commands." Actions can trigger commands, and vice versa. Both actions and commands can be directly triggered by user interactions with the web page.

For communication between the client and server, Hologram uses WebSockets. No additional boilerplate code is necessary - Hologram handles the setup automatically.

I want to see some code!

To understand the structure of a Hologram app and view some actual code, take a look at the feature tests app: hologram/test/features

Basic example

defmodule MyPage do
  use Hologram.Page

  route "/my-page-path"

  def init(_params, component, _server) do
    put_state(component, :count, 0)

  def template do
    <div>Count is {@count}</div>
    <button $click={:increment, by: 3}>Increment by</button>
    <Link to={MyOtherPage}>Go to other page</Link>

  def action(:increment, params, component) do
    put_state(component, :count, component.state.count +

  def command(:save_record, params, server) do
    # Do something on the server, e.g. save a record to the database

Selling Points


Please note that the "Readme" file is currently undergoing an overhaul, and the "Features" section may not be up to date.

Elixir Syntax


Type Status
Anonymous Function :white_check_mark:
Atom :white_check_mark:
Bitstring :white_check_mark:
Float :white_check_mark:
Integer :white_check_mark:
List :white_check_mark:
Map :white_check_mark:
PID :white_check_mark:
Tuple :white_check_mark:


Overridable General Operators
Operator Status
unary + :white_check_mark:
unary - :white_check_mark:
+ :white_check_mark:
- :white_check_mark:
* :white_check_mark:
/ :white_check_mark:
++ :white_check_mark:
-- :white_check_mark:
and :white_check_mark:
&& :white_check_mark:
or :white_check_mark:
|| :white_check_mark:
not :white_check_mark:
! :white_check_mark:
in :white_check_mark:
not in :white_check_mark:
@ :white_check_mark:
.. :white_check_mark:
..// :white_check_mark:
<> :white_check_mark:
|> :white_check_mark:
=~ :x:
** :x:
Special Form Operators
Operator Status
^ :white_check_mark:
. :white_check_mark:
= :white_check_mark:
& :white_check_mark:
:: :white_check_mark:
Comparison Operators
Operator Status
== :white_check_mark:
=== :white_check_mark:
!= :white_check_mark:
!== :white_check_mark:
< :white_check_mark:
> :white_check_mark:
<= :white_check_mark:
>= :white_check_mark:
Bitwise Module Operators
Operator Status
&&& :x:
<<< :x:
>>> :x:
||| :x:
Custom and Overriden Operators
Operator Status
custom :white_check_mark:
overriden :white_check_mark:


Feature Status
Regular expressions :x:

Framework Runtime


Feature Status
Actions :white_check_mark:
Commands :white_check_mark:
Cookies :x:
Session :x: