bartkl / cim-to-linkml

Generates LinkML schemas for packages in the CIM information model.
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Are these duplicate classees a problem? #22

Open bartkl opened 2 months ago

bartkl commented 2 months ago
    C.Object_ID as ClassID,
    C.Name as ClassName,
    C.Package_ID as PackageID,
    P.Name as PackageName
from t_object as C

inner join t_package as P
on C.Package_ID = P.Package_ID

where Object_Type = "Class"
and Object_ID in <OBJECT_IDS> -- list of object IDs



Object IDs 1683, 1760, 2188

ClassID ClassName PackageID PackageName
1683 IEC61968CIMVersion 100 DocIEC61968
1760 IEC61968CIMVersion 100 DocIEC61968
2188 IEC61968CIMVersion 127 IEC61968


Object IDs 846, 2856

ClassID ClassName PackageID PackageName
846 Profile 54 GenericDataSet
2856 Profile 149 ExternalInputs


Object IDs 2645, 2797

ClassID ClassName PackageID PackageName
2645 ResourceCertification 139 InfMarketOperations
2797 ResourceCertification 161 ReferenceData


Object IDs 1834, 2100

ClassID ClassName PackageID PackageName
1834 TroubleReportingKind 87 Customers
2100 TroubleReportingKind 87 Customers
tviegut commented 2 months ago

@bartkl : can you provide the version of the CIM model you’re using? The name of the EA project file should be sufficient. That will help me evaluate what we are seeing.

bartkl commented 2 months ago

Hi Todd,

I've used this QEA project file: iec61970cim17v40_iec61968cim13v13b_iec62325cim03v17b_CIM100.1.1.1.qea

admin-cimug commented 2 months ago

@bartkl , below is the eval:


ClassID ClassName PackageID PackageName Comments
1683 IEC61968CIMVersion 100 DocIEC61968 Duplicate...the diagram should be referencing the one in the IEC61968 package. This shouldn't have been included in the release. The 61968 CIM MM should have caught this.
1760 IEC61968CIMVersion 100 DocIEC61968 Duplicate...I believe this is unused. This shouldn't have been included in the release. The 61968 CIM MM should have caught this.
2188 IEC61968CIMVersion 127 IEC61968 This one's legit.

A possible solution to the above is to exclude any/all `Doc` packages from the model. This are only utilized anyway for the purposes of generated the IEC 61968-11 (and potentially the IEC 61968-13) publication(s).*


ClassID ClassName PackageID PackageName Comments
846 Profile 54 GenericDataSet The GenericDataSet package is in an Inf* package which is not normative CIM. These packages are 'working/sandbox copies'. Generally I would suggest excluding them from all vocabularies, etc. at this stage if we are planning to deal with normative CIM (which is my suggestion).
2856 Profile 149 ExternalInputs This actually is normative CIM in the IEC62325(i.e. Markets) package. So it is currently the single "legally" named class. Profile is a very general term and if the one in the Inf* package were to be approved for normative inclusion in it would need to be evaluate and some type of agreement made on renaming it to eliminate duplication in alignment with Rule040 (or the other way around).

A possible solution to the above is to exclude any/all `Inf` packages from the model.*


ClassID ClassName PackageID PackageName Comments
2645 ResourceCertification 139 InfMarketOperations Again this is in an Inf* package and therefore should be ignored as non-normative. The IEC 62365 CIM MM should be aware that the class is a duplicate and should be renamed if it becomes normative. In reviewing this it looks it is semantically overloaded and more work should be done on that side of things by the CIM MM for IEC 62365. It needs a unique name assigned to it.
2797 ResourceCertification 161 ReferenceData This is a currently normative MarketOperations class.


Note below that the ClassID is not visible in EA from what I can tell. The EAID_* or GUID might be easier to identify the particular class. Thus, I can't tell which of the two is the duplicate without querying the DB for more info...

ClassID ClassName PackageID PackageName Comments
1834 TroubleReportingKind 87 Customers This exists in the IEC61968 package but upon reviewing looks like it interestingly got duplicated and inlined in the definition of the Tariff class image below). Hmmm....
2100 TroubleReportingKind 87 Customers Normative


bartkl commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the analysis and suggestions!

With regards to the TroubleReportKind duplicates, here's the full * selection from the t_object table:

Object_ID Object_Type Diagram_ID Name Alias Author Version Note Package_ID Stereotype NType Complexity Effort Style Backcolor BorderStyle BorderWidth Fontcolor Bordercolor CreatedDate ModifiedDate Status Abstract Tagged PDATA1 PDATA2 PDATA3 PDATA4 PDATA5 Concurrency Visibility Persistence Cardinality GenType GenFile Header1 Header2 Phase Scope GenOption GenLinks Classifier ea_guid ParentID RunState Classifier_guid TPos IsRoot IsLeaf IsSpec IsActive StateFlags PackageFlags Multiplicity StyleEx ActionFlags EventFlags
1834 Class 0 TroubleReportingKind   T. Kostic 1.0 Kind of trouble reporting. 87 enumeration 0 1 0   -1 0 -1 -1 -1 2008-09-08 13:24:17 2022-04-24 12:59:37 Proposed 0 0   Java   0           Java       1.0 Public     0 {69FC5C51-2840-4e50-A456-690D9026C079} 1521     14 0 0 0 0            
2100 Class 0 TroubleReportingKind   T. Kostic 1.0 Kind of trouble reporting. 87 enumeration 0 1 0   -1 0 -1 -1 -1 2022-05-14 17:56:44 2022-05-14 17:57:34 Proposed 0 0   Java   0           Java       1.0 Public     0 {CBCADF0E-A59B-4a75-B085-16E23F8D0229} 0     14 0 0 0 0            

Note that the one with ID 1834 has a parent ID of 1521. Here's a dump of that object, which turns out to be the Tariff class.

Object_ID Object_Type Diagram_ID Name Alias Author Version Note Package_ID Stereotype NType Complexity Effort Style Backcolor BorderStyle BorderWidth Fontcolor Bordercolor CreatedDate ModifiedDate Status Abstract Tagged PDATA1 PDATA2 PDATA3 PDATA4 PDATA5 Concurrency Visibility Persistence Cardinality GenType GenFile Header1 Header2 Phase Scope GenOption GenLinks Classifier ea_guid ParentID RunState Classifier_guid TPos IsRoot IsLeaf IsSpec IsActive StateFlags PackageFlags Multiplicity StyleEx ActionFlags EventFlags
1521 Class 0 Tariff     1.0 Document, approved by the responsible regulatory agency, listing the terms and conditions, including a schedule of prices, under which utility services will be provided. It has a unique number within the state or province. For rate schedules it is frequently allocated by the affiliated Public utilities commission (PUC). 87   0 1 0   -1 0 -1 -1 -1 2008-05-22 00:21:45 2020-03-05 13:58:23 Proposed 0 0       0                     Public     0 {0BE74F01-4122-4e79-A801-A70BCEAE82B2} 0     13 0 0 0 0            
tviegut commented 2 months ago

@bartkl , thanks for narrowing that down. I caught this exact type of scenario in the past that occurred by accident when a class was accidentally "dragged" into another class (but that wasn't caught at first). In those situations my guess is that the CIM MM didn't realize it happened or thought it got deleted and ended up creating a second instance - resulting in what we're seeing. Ironically, EA allows that to occur but I'm not exactly sure why. I know the EA has a heavy Model Driven Development philosophy in its approach. Perhaps from that standpoint EA would generate code (e.g. Java, C#, etc.) from the UML that would reflect such an embedded class or enumeration as an "inner class".

bartkl commented 2 months ago

Maybe interesting to try out that code generation and see what happens! Thanks for the elaboration.