bartkl / cim-to-linkml

Generates LinkML schemas for packages in the CIM information model.
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Make sure you have Python (≥ 3.11) and Poetry installed.

Run poetry install to have it set up a virtual environment for you with the necessary dependencies installed and configuration taken care of.

Running cim2linkml

From within the virtual environment

Activate your virtual environment and you should be able to use the cim2linkml script.

$ poetry shell
$ cim2linkml --help
# ...

Using poetry run

You can also run the script inside the virtual environment without activating it.

$ poetry run cim2linkml --help
# ...


Usage: cim2linkml [OPTIONS] QEA_FILE

  Generates LinkML schemas from the supplied Sparx EA QEA database file.

  You can specify which packages in the UML model to generate schemas from
  using the `--package` parameter, where you provide the fully qualified
  package name (e.g. `TC57CIM.IEC61970.Base.Core') of the package to select

  If the specified package is a leaf package, a single schema file will be

  If the provided package is a non-leaf package, by default its subpackages
  are included and a schema file per package is created. A single schema file
  can also be created by passing `--single-schema'. Finally, it's possible to
  ignore all subpackages and create a single schema file just for the
  specified package alone. To achieve this, pass `--ignore-subpackages'.

  -p, --package TEXT     Fully qualified package name.  [default: TC57CIM]
  --single-schema        If true, a single schema is created, a schema per
                         package otherwise.
  --ignore-subpackages   If passed, all subpackages of the provided package
                         are ignored, i.e. only the package itself is
  -o, --output-dir PATH  Directory where schemas will be outputted.  [default:
  --help                 Show this message and exit.


The entire CIM

Schema per package

If no package is specified, it defaults to TC57CIM, i.e. the entire CIM. For non-leaf packages like this one, the default behavior is to generate a schema for each subpackage.

$ cim2linkml data/cim.qea
Single schema

If generating a single schema file is desired, this can be done as follows:

$ cim2linkml data/cim.qea --single-schema

Leaf package

Leaf peackages by definition don't have subpackages and therefore always become a single schema.

$ cim2linkml data/cim.qea -p TC57CIM.IEC61970.Base.Wires

Non-leaf package

Including subpackages

By default, when providing a non-leaf package, all subpackages are included and schema files are created for each package.

$ cim2linkml data/cim.qea -p TC57CIM.IEC61970

If a single schema file is desired, --single-schema can be passed.

Ignoring subpackages

If only selecting the package itself is desired, i.e. not including subpackages, one can pass --ignore-subpackages. Note that in this case, it is always a single schema file (--single-schema is implied).

$ cim2linkml data/cim.qea -p TC57CIM.IEC61970 --ignore-subpackages