bartverdonck / Sitecore-Forms-Extensions
MIT License
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Sitecore Forms Extensions Logo

Documentation (usage + install guide) πŸ“

Extensive documentation for developers and content editors can be found on

Check my blogposts on for inspiration.

Downloads ⬇️

Install packages

Sitecore install packages can be found here

Container (image for container integration)

If you use containered development for Sitecore, an assets image is available on Docker.

You can reference the image with bverdonck/sitecore-forms-extensions-assets

More info can be found on my blog.


Some feature like "Value Provider Store Back" and "Value Provider Conditions" can be further customized and extended upon. For this, a nuget package is available. Please add a reference to SitecoreFormsExtensions.Core and Sitecore.ExperienceForms inside your .NET project. The package is hosted on

Note that the nuget package only contains the Sitecore Forms Extensions codebase, it does not include the Sitecore items, razor files and javascripts. You still need to install the module in a conventional way (either download and install the package, or use the container asset image).

Compatibility 🧩

Older Sitecore versions are not supported.

Contributing πŸ’—

Want to contribute to SFE? Great! This section will explain how to setup the project for modifications. Contributions are added via pull requests.

Initial setup πŸ’»

  1. If your local IIS is listening on port 443, you'll need to stop it for now.

    iisreset /stop
  2. Before you can run the solution, you will need to prepare the following for the Sitecore container environment:

    • A valid/trusted wildcard certificate for *.sfe.localhost
    • Hosts file entries for
      • cm.sfe.localhost
      • id.sfe.localhost
    • Add your license.xml to the /docker/data/licence folder
    • Put your base64 license in the .env file. (For xp roles)

    The provided init.ps1 will take care of these requirements, but you should review its contents before running.

    You must use an elevated/Administrator Windows PowerShell 5.1 prompt for this command, PowerShell 7 is not supported at this time.

    .\init.ps1 -LicenseXmlPath "C:\path\to\license.xml" 
  3. Spin up the environmont

    docker-compose up -d
  4. Deserialize content

    dotnet tool restore
    dotnet sitecore login
    dotnet sitecore ser push
    dotnet sitecore publish

Testing new functionality πŸ§ͺ

When adding new functionality to the codebase, please add a test-form in the sitecore content tree (/sitecore/Forms). Also, add a page of the template /sitecore/templates/Project/FormsExtensionsTester/Pages/ContentPage in the test-website, referencing the form containing the test of the functionality.

Changelog πŸ“œ

4.0.2 (for Sitecore 10.1)

4.0.1 (for Sitecore 10.1)

3.2.1 (for Sitecore 9.3 and Sitecore 10)

4.0 (for Sitecore 10.1)

3.2 (for Sitecore 9.3 and Sitecore 10)

3.1 (for Sitecore 9.3 and Sitecore 10)

3.0 (for Sitecore 9.3 and Sitecore 10)


2.2 (for Sitecore 9.1.x - 9.2.x)

2.1 (for Sitecore 9.1)

1.8 (for Sitecore 9.0.x)










