basho-labs / riak-docker

Riak in Docker
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= Riak in Docker Jon Brisbin

This asciibuild footnote:[] file can be used to build a wide variety of variations of Docker containers for running a Riak cluster. It runs a single node per container instance and by setting the CLUSTER_COORDINATOR environment variable to the IP address of a "master" node (the primary or seed node of a cluster), subsequent containers can be automatically joined into a cluster.



.Variables to Set that influence the build

[[switches]] .Variables for turning on or off components

== Create Image

.Riak Docker [source,Dockerfile] [asciibuild,Dockerfile,image="{riak_tag}",run=true,run_opts="--label role=cluster --name {riak_pkg} -p 8087:8087 -p 8098:8098 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"]

FROM {{os_family}}:{{os_version}}

ENV OS_FAMILY {{os_family}} ENV OS_VERSION {{os_version}} ifdef::os_flavor[] ENV OS_FLAVOR {{os_flavor}} endif::[]

ifdef::ubuntu,debian[] ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive ENV DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN true

Install essentials

RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get dist-upgrade -y RUN apt-get install -y apt-transport-https RUN apt-get install -y python python-six python-pkg-resources python-openssl RUN apt-get install -y curl RUN apt-get install -y libapr1 realpath jq unzip RUN apt-get install -y iproute iputils-ping


Install OpenJDK 8

RUN apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys DA1A4A13543B466853BAF164EB9B1D8886F44E2A ifdef::ubuntu[] RUN echo "deb {{os_flavor}} main" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/openjdk.list RUN echo "deb-src {{os_flavor}} main" >>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/openjdk.list endif::ubuntu[] ifdef::debian+jessie[] RUN echo "deb jessie-backports main" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/openjdk.list endif::debian+jessie[] RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jre-headless openjdk-8-jdk-headless endif::openjdk[] endif::ubuntu,debian[]


Install essentials

RUN yum install -y epel-release RUN yum -q -y install openssl curl python python-six python-setuptools ca-certificates jq which unzip ifdef::openjdk[] RUN yum -q -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk endif::openjdk[] endif::centos[]


Install Docker for command-line utilities

ifdef::ubuntu,debian[] RUN apt-get install -y docker endif::[] ifdef::centos[] RUN yum install -y docker endif::[] endif::docker[]

ENV RIAK_VERSION {{riak_version}} ENV RIAK_HOME {{riak_home}} ifndef::riak_ts[] ENV RIAK_FLAVOR KV endif::[] ifdef::riak_ts[] ENV RIAK_FLAVOR TS endif::[] ifeval::["{pkg_format}" == "tgz"] RUN \ mkdir -p $RIAK_HOME && \ curl -sL {{riak_tgz_baseurl}}/{{os_family}}-{{os_version}}/{{riak_pkg}}-oss/{{riak_pkg}}-{{riak_version}}/{{riak_pkg}}-{{riak_version}}-bin.tgz | tar -zxf - -C $RIAK_HOME COPY /tmp RUN chmod a+x /tmp/ && /tmp/ ENV PATH $RIAK_HOME/bin:$PATH endif::[] ifeval::["{pkg_format}" != "tgz"] RUN curl -s{{riak_pkg}}/script.{{pkg_format}}.sh | bash ifdef::ubuntu,debian[] RUN apt-get install -y {{riak_pkg}}={{riak_version}}-1 endif::[] ifdef::centos[] RUN yum install -y {{riak_pkg}}-{{riak_version}} endif::[] endif::[]


Install Riak Explorer

RUN curl -sSL{{riak_explorer_version}}/riak_explorer-{{riak_explorer_version}}.patch-{{os_family}}-{{os_version}}.tar.gz | tar -zxf - -C $RIAK_HOME --strip-components 2 RUN for f in riak_pb riak_kv riak_ts riak_dt riak_search riak_yokozuna;do rm -f $RIAK_HOME/lib/basho-patches/$f*; done endif::riak_explorer[]


Install the Python client

ifdef::ubuntu,debian[] RUN apt-get install -y build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev python-pip endif::[] ifdef::centos[] RUN yum groups install -y 'Development Tools' RUN yum install -y openssl-devel python-devel libffi-devel python-pip endif::[] RUN pip install --upgrade pip cryptography pyparsing appdirs riak endif::riak_client[]

Expose default ports


Expose volumes for data and logs

VOLUME /var/log/riak VOLUME /var/lib/riak

Install custom start script


Install custom hooks

COPY prestart.d /etc/riak/prestart.d COPY poststart.d /etc/riak/poststart.d

Prepare for bootstrapping schemas

RUN mkdir -p /etc/riak/schemas

WORKDIR /var/lib/riak

CMD ["{{riak_home}}/"]

Clean up APT cache

RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/ /tmp/

=== Building the Image

This file is an asciibuild-enabled AsciiDoc file. It is also heavily parameterized in order to produce a wide variety of variations. Some of the variations possible include:

.Docker Image Variations

This asciibuild file will produce a riak_{riak_flavor} image based on {os_family}:{os_version}. Optional components included in this build:

.Optional Components ifdef::openjdk[]

To build the image using asciibuild, process this README file:

.Invoke Asciibuild [source,bash]

asciibuild README.adoc

To change the variation of image produced, set attributes according to the following configuration matrix:

.Alternative Configuration |=== | Attribute Value | Produces | -a os_family=ubuntu -a os_version=14.04 | Ubuntu Trusty image | -a os_family=centos -a os_version=7 | CentOS 7 image | -a openjdk! | Turns off OpenJDK install | -a docker! | Turns off Docker install | -a riak_explorer! | Turns off Riak Explorer install | -a riak_client! | Turns off Riak Python Client install |===

== Test Single Node

Validate the container is started by waiting for it to fully boot, then access the /stats endpoint.

.Wait for riak_kv to start [source,bash] [asciibuild,bash,container="Riak Docker"]

riak-admin wait-for-service riak_kv

.Check node Status [source,bash] [asciibuild,bash]

function stats() { echo curl -s localhost:8098/stats | jq -r '.vnode_gets' }

There should be no read stats for an empty cluster

[ "0" == "$(stats)" ]

Increment the read stats

curl -s localhost:8098/types/default/buckets/notfound/keys/notfound

Wait for stats to be eventually-consistent

sleep 1

Verify read stats have incremented

[ "3" == "$(stats)" ]

== Test User Conf

To augment the riak.conf file with additional settings, mount a user.conf file into the /etc/riak/ directory. Each line should follow the pattern setting = value. Each line will be split on the = and made into a regex passed to sed that matches the setting key and replaces the value with the value you specify in user.conf.

.Patch Configuration File [source,bash] [asciibuild,bash]

{{=<% %>=}}

CONTAINER=$(docker run --label role=cluster -d -P -v pwd/test/user.conf:/etc/riak/user.conf <% riak_tag %>) docker exec $CONTAINER riak-admin wait-for-service riak_kv

Check that the backend was set to leveldb

BACKEND=$(docker exec $CONTAINER riak config effective | egrep "^storage_backend" | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d ' ') [ "$BACKEND" == "leveldb" ]

== Test Cluster

This Docker image has support for automatically creating a cluster by setting the environment variable COORDINATOR_NODE to the IP address of a node to which you want to join when the container starts.

.Start additional Cluster Nodes [source,bash] [asciibuild,bash]

{{=<% %>=}}

Discover coordinator node IP

COORDINATOR_NODE=$(docker inspect -f {{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}} <% riak_pkg %>)

Start new nodes for the cluster

for i in 1 2; do CONTAINER=$(docker run -d"Riak in Docker" --label=role=cluster -e COORDINATOR_NODE=$COORDINATOR_NODE <% riak_tag %>)

Wait for node to completely start

docker exec $CONTAINER riak-admin wait-for-service riak_kv done

Wait for cluster to settle some

sleep 5

Verify three nodes report up

STATUS=$(docker exec <% riak_pkg %> riak-admin cluster status --format csv | tail -n 3 | cut -d, -f3) [ "$(echo $STATUS)" == "up up up" ]

ifdef::riak_explorer[] == Test Bucket Type Bootstrapping

This Docker image has support for automatically boostrapping bucket types and TS tables. Files in /etc/riak/schemas/ that end in .dt will be read and the name of the file (minus the extension .dt) will be used as the bucket name and the contents of the file should contain a single line, which is the bucket type to use.



If the boostrapping script found the above, it would translate that into a riak-admin bucket-type create, followed by a riak-admin bucket-type activate.

.Datatype Bootstrapping [source,bash]

riak-admin bucket-type create my_bucket '{"props":{"datatype":"counter"}}' riak-admin bucket-type activate my_bucket

To enable automatic bootstrapping, mount the schemas into the container via volume, or COPY the resources into the /etc/riak/schemas directory in a derived container.

.Mount via Volume [source,bash] [asciibuild,bash]

{{=<% %>=}}

SCHEMAS_CONTAINER=$(docker run -d -P --label role=schemas -v $(pwd)/test/schemas:/etc/riak/schemas <% riak_tag %>) docker exec $SCHEMAS_CONTAINER riak-admin wait-for-service riak_kv

Discover the IP of the container

IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' $SCHEMAS_CONTAINER)

Only way to ensure bucket types exist is to wait for script to complete.

There's no way to know when it's done, so we just do a sleep.

sleep 5

Check that the bucket type has been defined

BUCKET_TYPES=$(docker exec $SCHEMAS_CONTAINER curl -s $IP:8098/admin/explore/clusters/default/bucket_types) [[ ! -z "$BUCKET_TYPES" ]]

[ "$(echo $BUCKET_TYPES | jq -r '.bucket_types[] | select(.id == "test") | .props.datatype')" == "counter" ] if [ '<% riak_flavor %>' == 'ts' ]; then

Check that the TS tables have been created

[ "$(echo $BUCKET_TYPES | jq -r '.bucket_types[] | select(.id == "GeoCheckin") | .props.ddl.local_key[]' | tr -d '\n')" == "idtime" ] fi

Remove the container

docker rm -f $SCHEMAS_CONTAINER || true


ifdef::riak_client[] == Test Riak Client

Test that the Python Riak Client can interact with the cluster.

.Pytest Container [source,Dockerfile] [asciibuild,Dockerfile,image=riak-docker-tests,run=true,run_opts="--link {riak_pkg} --label role=pytests -i -v $(pwd)/test:/usr/src/test -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"]

FROM alpine RUN apk add --no-cache py2-pip bash ca-certificates docker RUN pip install --upgrade pip pytest riak WORKDIR /usr/src/test CMD /bin/cat

Run the py.test tests found in the link:test/[test/] folder.

.Run Tests [source,bash] [asciibuild,bash,container="Pytest Container"]

py.test -v

.Cleanup Test Container [source,bash] [asciibuild,bash]

Don't fail the build if cleanup doesn't happen

set +e

Remove Python resources

for f in pycache .cache *.pyc; do rm -Rf $(find test -name $f -print) || true done docker rm -f $(docker ps -aqf label=role=pytests) || true


== Cleanup

Clean up temporary and transitory files that get rebuilt each time this build is run.

This step can be skipped by setting the attribute skip_clean when running the build.

ifndef::skip_clean[] .Cleanup [source,bash] [asciibuild,bash]

Don't fail the build if cleanup doesn't happen

set +e

Remove the Dockerfile we generate

rm -Rf Dockerfile

Remove the cluster and other containers we started for tests

for r in cluster schemas; do docker rm -f $(docker ps -aqf label=role=$r) || true done


== Publish

Tag and publish the image if the attribute publish is set when running the build.

ifdef::publish[] :docker_image_name: riak-{riak_flavor}:{os_family}-{riak_version} ifdef::docker_org[] :docker_image_tag: {docker_org}/{docker_image_name} endif::docker_org[] ifndef::docker_org[] :docker_image_tag: {docker_image_name} endif::docker_org[]

.Tag Image [source,bash] [asciibuild,bash]

docker tag {{riak_tag}} {{docker_image_tag}}

Push specific version

docker push {{docker_image_tag}}

ifdef::latest[] ifdef::docker_org[] :docker_latest_tag: {docker_org}/riak-{riak_flavor}:latest endif::docker_org[] ifndef::docker_org[] :docker_latest_tag: riak-{riak_flavor}:latest endif::docker_org[]

.Tag Latest Image [source,bash] [asciibuild,bash]

Push 'latest' tag

docker tag {{riak_tag}} {{docker_latest_tag}} docker push {{docker_latest_tag}}

endif::latest[] endif::publish[]