bashovski / canzona

Play, browse and explore World's music in one place - built using MERN stack.
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Play, browse and explore World's music in one place - built using MERN stack.


Node.js - 10.16.0 or newer
MongoDB Atlas

Development environment

Before running the API, you'll need to create a .env file with content of .env-example file. After doing so, insert secret access tokens and required credentials such as: (MongoDB Atlas keys, AWS tokens, etc.)

git clone
cd canzona

# Running the api
cd api
npm install
nodemon server.js

# Or - running the ui
cd ui
npm install
npm run start


Initialize a route path

In order to keep the api structure simple, we've decided to store all request method holders in one file and grant them request verbs once needed. Therefore, inside /api/routes/api.js you may add your new path to a new request method holder for any object you may want to implement a model for.

let routers = [
        <your-new-method-holder>, // <-- add a new method holder (e.g. conversations, posts, comments, etc.)