Multi-level Entropy Attention Alignment (MEAA) is an end-to-end approach for unsupervised domain adaptation of object detector. Specifically, MEAA consists of two main components:
(1) Local Uncertainty Attentional Alignment (LUAA) module to accelerate the model better perceiving structure-invariant objects of interest by utilizing information theory to measure the uncertainty of each local region via the entropy of the pixel-wise domain classifier
(2) Multi-level Uncertainty-Aware Context Alignment (MUCA) module to enrich domain-invariant information of relevant objects based on the entropy of multi-level domain classifiers
Follow faster-rcnn repository to setup the environment. When installing pytorch-faster-rcnn, you may encounter some issues. Many issues have been reported there to setup the environment. We used Pytorch 0.4.1 for this project. The different version of pytorch will cause some errors, which have to be handled based on each envirionment.
GTX 1080
Pytorch 0.4.1
CUDA 9.2
conda install pytorch=0.4.1 torchvision==0.2.1 cuda92 -c pytorch
Before training:
mkdir data
cd lib
sh (add -gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70" # added for GTX10XX)
Note to set number of classes = 20 in lib/datasets/
tensorboard --logdir='your/path/here'
All codes are written to fit for the format of PASCAL_VOC. For example, the dataset Sim10k is stored as follows.
$ cd Sim10k/VOC2012/
$ ls
Annotations ImageSets JPEGImages
$ cat ImageSets/Main/val.txt
If you want to test the code on your own dataset, arange the dataset in the format of PASCAL, make dataset class in lib/datasets/. and add it to lib/datasets/, lib/datasets/ Then, add the dataset option to lib/model/utils/
Write your dataset directories' paths in lib/datasets/
We used two models pre-trained on ImageNet in our experiments, VGG and ResNet101. You can download these two models from:
Download them and write the path in __C.VGG_PATH and __C.RESNET_PATH at lib/model/utils/
python --cuda --net vgg16 --dataset cityscape --dataset_t foggy_cityscape
python --cuda --net vgg16 --dataset cityscape --dataset_t foggy_cityscape --use_tfb
--use_tfb will enable tensorboard to record training results
Cityscapes --> Foggy_cityscapes
python --cuda --net vgg16 --dataset foggy_cityscape --load_name models/vgg16/cityscape/*.pth
Our trained model for foggy_cityscape:
For training "pascasl_voc_0712 -> water" results, since we only use 6 classes for evaluation. We need to calculate results manually. Just use chosen 6 classes to calculate mAP.
This function is under construction now.
python --net vgg16 --load_name models/vgg16/cityscape/*.pth --cuda --dataset cityscape
author = {Nguyen, Dang-Khoa and Tseng, Wei-Lun and Shuai, Hong-Han},
title = {Domain-Adaptive Object Detection via Uncertainty-Aware Distribution Alignment},
year = {2020},
isbn = {9781450379885},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3394171.3413553},