basilelt / SAE302

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SAE302 - Chat Server

A chat server written in Python.

Tested on Python 3.11 and 3.12 on a Unix system only.

This project consist of a server (command line) and a client (graphic).

You can:

The default rooms are:

Client installation

After installing Python and cloning the git:

python -m venv "path_to_your_venv"
source "path_to_your_venv"/bin/activate

pip install -r client/requirements.txt

Usage Client

source "path_to_your_venv"/bin/activate

python client/

Server installation

After installing Python and cloning the git:

python -m venv "path_to_your_venv"
source "path_to_your_venv"/bin/activate

pip install -r server/requirements.txt

The database is using MySQL and should be imported:

└── server
    └── db
        └── chat.sql -> database to import
mysql -u root -p chat < server/db/chat.sql

Usage Server

source "path_to_your_venv"/bin/activate

python server/ -a <ip_to_use> -p <port_to_use>

Commands of the server:

help - display this help message

messages <time> - display a list of all messages since a time
users - display a list of all users

rooms - display a list of all rooms
add room <room1,room2,...> - add a room
pending rooms <username> - display a list of pending rooms for a user
accept pending <username> <room1,room2,...> - accept pending rooms for a user

kick <username> <timeout> <reason> - kick a user
unkick <username> - unkick a user

ban <username> <reason> - ban a user
ban ip <ip> <reason> - ban an IP address
unban <username> - unban a user
unban ip <ip> - unban an IP address
kill <username> <reason> - kill a user

shutdown - shutdown the server


Here is the structure of the project:

├── backend
│   ├── -> client class
│   ├── -> redirects messages
│   └── -> handles messages content
├── interface
│   ├── -> chat window class
│   ├── error.gif
│   ├── login.css
|   └── -> login window class
├── -> starts the programm
└── requirements.txt
├── db
|   └── chat.sql -> database to import
├── server
│   ├── -> handles commands in the terminal
│   ├── -> client class
│   ├── -> database class (database logic)
│   ├── -> redirects messages
│   ├── -> server class
|   └── -> handles messages content
├── -> start the programm
└── requirements.txt   

Here is the structure of the database: dbdiagram

You can also find a docstring sphinx for the client and the server.


This chat server shouldn't be used outside of a local trusted network as the data traffic isn't encrypted:

Messages can't be sent to users not connected to the server.

Even if all messages are stored on the server those aren't served when a client connect, meaning the history of a room isn't readable by clients.

Bugs can be encountered when unexpected operations are made on the server or clients