basir / next-amazona-v2
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Build Full-ECommerce By Next.js 13+, App Router, Server Components and Actions

Tech Nextjs 13+, Server Components & Actions, Route Handler
UI Tailwind, DaisyUI, Chart.js
Database MongoDB, Mongoose
Payment PayPal, Stripe
Deployment Github, Vercel, MongoDB Atlas
Authentication Auth.js, Google Auth
Others Cloudinary, Zustand, SWR

next amazona v2


What you will learn

Full Course

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Run Locally

  1. Clone repo

    $ git clone
    $ cd next-amazona-v2
  2. Create .env File

    • duplicate .env.example and rename it to .env
  3. Setup MongoDB

    • Local MongoDB
      • Install it from here
      • In .env file update MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost/amazona
    • OR Atlas Cloud MongoDB
  4. Install and Run

     npm install
     npm run dev
  5. Seed Data

  6. Admin Login


Welcome to version 2 of next.js amazona. it is coding course to build a full functional ecommerce website like amazon using next.js lastest features like App router, sever components and actions and route handler.


  1. Introduction
  2. Install Tools
  3. Create Next App
  4. Publish to Github
  5. List Products
    1. create product type
    2. add data.ts
    3. add images
    4. render products
  6. Create Product Details
    1. create product page
    2. create 3 columns
    3. show image in first column
    4. show product info in second column
    5. show add to cart action on third column
    6. add styles