baskerville / owlman

A pacman and cower wrapper
The Unlicense
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:man source: Owlman :man version: {revnumber} :man manual: Owlman Manual



owlman - Pacman and cower wrapper




owlman is a simple wrapper for pacman and cower, providing seamless access to all the available Arch Linux packages.

Actions and Arguments

refresh:: Update package list.

update:: Update package list and upgrade all packages afterwards.

pull:: Grab changes for all the cached 'AUR' packages.

install 'PKG' ...:: Install the given packages.

upgrade 'PKG' ...:: Upgrade the given packages.

downgrade 'PKG' ...:: Downgrade the given packages.

remove|uninstall 'PKG' ...:: Remove the given packages.

autoremove|autouninstall:: Remove all unused dependencies (orphans).

download 'PKG' ...:: Download the given packages source from the 'AUR'.

abs 'PKG' ...:: Download the given sync packages source via abs.

edit 'PKG' ...:: Edit the install scripts of the given AUR packages.

search 'STRING':: Search for packages matching 'STRING' in all databases.

query 'STRING':: Search locally for packages matching 'STRING'.

info 'PKG' ...:: Retrieve informations on the given packages.

deps 'PKG' ...:: Show dependencies for the given packages.

mdeps 'PKG' ...:: Show make dependencies for the given packages.

uses 'PKG' ...:: Show packages that specify the given packages as dependency.

owns 'FILE'...:: Return the name of the package owning the given files.

version 'PKG' ...:: Return the version of the given packages.

repository 'PKG' ...:: Return the repository of the given packages.

description 'PKG' ...:: Return the description of the given packages.

category 'PKG' ...:: Return the category of the given 'AUR' packages.

license 'PKG' ...:: Return the license of the given packages.

url 'PKG' ...:: Return the URL of the given packages.

page 'PKG' ...:: Opens the given packages 'AUR' pages.

home 'PKG' ...:: Opens the given packages home pages.

changelog 'PKG' ...:: Opens the given packages changelog pages.

list 'PKG' ...:: List all the files owned by the given packages.

lsgrep 'STRING' 'PKG' ...:: Restrict the output of list to packages matching 'STRING'.

binlist 'PKG' ...:: Restrict the output of list to executable files.

liblist 'PKG' ...:: Restrict the output of list to library files.

etclist 'PKG' ...:: Restrict the output of list to configuration files.

manlist 'PKG' ...:: Restrict the output of list to manual files.

doclist 'PKG' ...:: Restrict the output of list to documentation files.

grep 'STRING' 'PKG' ...:: Grep 'STRING' in all the files of all the given packages.

check 'PKG' ...:: Check that all files owned by the given packages exist.

prune:: Remove unused repositories in the cache directory.

cleanup:: Remove unused packages and sync databases from pacman's cache.

last ['NUM']:: Show the last 'NUM' (7 if omitted) installed packages.

leftovers:: Find, merge and remove pac{new,orig,save} files.

foreigns:: Show installed packages not found in the sync databases.

orphans:: Show packages not listed as a dependency by any package.


The actions on which each option applies are given between parenthesis.

-q, --quiet:: provide quiet search results ('search', 'query', 'foreigns', 'orphans', 'owns', 'changelog').

-e, --extended:: provide extended informations ('info').

-a, --aur:: restrain the action to the AUR packages ('update', 'search').

-o, --repo:: restrain the action to the sync packages ('update', 'search').

-l, --local:: restrain the action to the local packages ('info', 'deps', 'uses', 'version', 'repository', 'category', 'description', 'install').

-i, --ignore-outdated:: exclude outdated AUR packages from search results ('search').

-r, --recursive:: see pacman's remove options ('remove', 'uninstall').

-s, --sort-by-votes:: see cower's sorting options ('search').

-c, --cascade:: see pacman's remove options ('remove').

-d, --dependencies:: fetch dependencies ('download').

-w, --crawl-homes:: open every pages of all the packages matching the argument ('home').


The following environment variables are handled:

'OWLMAN_AUR_HOME':: Where should the downloaded AUR packages be stored?

'OWLMAN_ABS_HOME':: Where should the downloaded sync packages be stored?

'OWLMAN_CHANGELOG_DB':: Path to the database of changelog URLs.

'OWLMAN_ABS_ROOT':: The value of the ABSROOT variable in '/etc/abs.conf'.

'OWLMAN_PACMAN_CACHE':: The value of the CacheDir variable in '/etc/pacman.conf'.

'OWLMAN_PACMAN_LOG':: The value of the LogFile variable in '/etc/pacman.conf'.

'OWLMAN_BROWSER':: The browser used for opening the package's home pages.

'OWLMAN_EDITOR':: The editor used for opening the package's PKGBUILDs.

'OWLMAN_SUDO_WARN':: Print a warning each time sudo is run (default: 'true').

'OWLMAN_ASK_EDIT':: Ask to edit the PKGBUILD of AUR packages during installation (default: 'true').

'OWLMAN_COLORIZE_RESULTS':: Colorize search results (default: 'true').

'OWLMAN_IGNORE_OUTDATED':: Ignore outdated AUR results (default: 'false').

'OWLMAN_CLEAN_UP':: Pass the -c flag to makepkg (default: 'false').

'OWLMAN_MAX_URL':: The maximum number of URL to send at once via --crawl-homes.

Color Variables













The valid values for the aforementioned variables are : *default*, *black*, *red*, *green*, *yellow*, *blue*, *magenta*, *cyan*, *white*, *bold*.


Bastien Dejean <nihilhill at>

See Also

*pacman*(8), *cower*(1), *makepkg*(8).