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Research vendor applications: Primavera and Wrike #11

Open atareversei opened 1 week ago

atareversei commented 1 week ago

Sign up in these applications:

  1. Primavera
  2. Wrike

and try using them and exploring their features. As you are using these pieces of software, try taking notes about their:

[FA] در برنامه‌های زیر ثبت نام کن:

  1. Primavera
  2. Wrike

و اونارو به عنوان کسی که میخواد پروژه رو مدیریت کنه استفاده کن تا بتونی امکاناتی که برنامه در اختیار مدیر پروژه قرار میده رو ببینی و اکتشاف کنی. سعی کن وقتی داری استفاده میکنی موارد زیر رو یادداشت کنی:

  1. یو آی
  2. یو ایکس
  3. اینکه جریان کلی روندها توی برنامه چطوریه (مثلا ثبت نام کردی بعدش چی شد، یا پروژه ایجاد کردی بعدش چی شد)
  4. سیستم‌های متفاوت رو تشخیص بده. اکثر برنامه‌هایی که مشخص شده، دارای بخش‌های متفاوتی هستن. مثلا ممکنه یکی مدیریت تسک + حسابداری + پیام‌رسانی داشته باشه، ممکنه یکی دیگه مدیریت تسک + مدیریت پروژه داشته باشه. هر تقسیم بندی‌ای که به نظرتون منطقی اومد رو بنویسید.
  5. برای هر بخش که تو مورد قبلی مشخص کردیم باید تمام فیچرهاشو در بیاریم و مستند کنیم.
  6. ترمینولوژی (واژگان مورد استفاده)
prvsa2003 commented 1 day ago


Primavera is a project management program and I am tasked with reviewing this program from the perspective of UI, UX and app performance

Setup APP

The installation process of this application is not very difficult, I think it is reasonable for an application. You can see the application installation steps below:


After launching all the packages and filling the package status and general status and displaying this message "Your requested operation has been successfully completed", we enter the next step of selecting "Database configuration":


In this session we should config database so we must select P6 Professional driver type so we select P6 Pro standardalone [SQLite]


After clicking next, if we have an standalone database to add connection to, click this option, but if we don't have an standalone database to connect to, we should to select this, so finally click next.
In this sesion we should select a password for our standalone database . Pay attention that password and username is so importent , if we open and log in to this application any time , we must know username and password from us .


and in finally we should click on next and finish
congrajetion we could set up this application easly 🎉

My opinion about the installation

I think this program is set up logically and user-friendly, and my opinion about the user interface of this program is very old because of the use of old buttons. I think the material buttons could be better to used.

When you start the application , we have to enter the username and password every time, I think this is very good in terms of security.

Menu Bar


In the menu bar of the file section, we can create a new project or open old projects or print a page and export from the project. This is a very good option that we can fully export in any format

In the Edit section, we can cut copy and paste. Most of the editing options can be done with keyboard combination keys. The only important option we have is user perfrences, which I will explain below.

In View we have display settings

The Project option is disabled because we don't have a project, when we create a project, the Project option is activated in the menu bar.

The Enterprise settings related to different organizational levels, including different columns of the work breakdown structure, different levels of timing, different levels of benefits and roles, etc.

The Tools related to scheduling and performs a series of reports at the end of the project

The Admin is settings related to the currency settings system itself


From the Admin Preferences option, we can make system settings. In my opinion, it is very complete, but in terms of UI, it would be better if there was a save button instead of the cancel button


In user preferences, we will make settings related to the user . about Time Units section When we say 8 hours a day, the hour unit is determined in the units format section, and the day unit is determined in the duration format section.

In the currency section, we can choose our desired currency units, which are not available in this list of all currency units, but we can add our desired monetary unit from currency


In this section, we can determine the chart related to the organizational chart. First, the UI does not look interesting, most of the buttons do not work properly and are disabled for no reason, which causes dissatisfaction and problems for the user.

Overall, this section has interesting options, but the main problem is that most of them are disabled for no reason


In this section, using eps settings, we define the types of projects that we manage.

Similar to the previous mode, it provides good features to the user, but most of the features either work slowly or are inactive, and this causes dissatisfaction of the user


In this section, we can choose three types of calendars The global calendar is for when we want the calendar to be considered for both the resource and the project

In the resource type calendar, we determine what time frame the resources are available to us, and this time frame can be different for each resource.

From my point of view, the part of setting the table is not very interesting and it is not designed simply, it has some complexity that may be difficult for newbies


In calendar weekly hours, we can determine the working hours in each week

In calendar weekly hours, we can determine the working hours in each week.

I think it would have been better to use appropriate animations to determine the hours, for example, instead of typing the hours, the same hours could have been displayed in a clock animation.

WPS & Docs

If we have appointments related to the project or documents, documents or anything important that we want to add to the project, we do it through WPS&docs.


The upper part is for adding a series of information and the lower part is for adding details


This left part is for adding or deleting or cutting documents

General conclusion

In my opinion, in addition to the boring and old UI it has, overall it is a comprehensive software that can help us a lot in project management, and I think it lacks only one thing, and that is the interaction between team members in the program, a place to deploy. There is no interaction between members of a team, and in my opinion, it can be one of the weak points of this software.


WBS : A hierarchical arrangement of the products and services produced during and by a project. An element usually represents a deliverable, product or service and contains the activities needed to produce the deliverable. It enables division of a project into logical pieces for the purpose of planning and control.

OBS : The organizational breakdown structure (OBS) is a global hierarchy that represents the managers or positions responsible for the projects in your enterprise. The OBS usually reflects the management structure of your organization, from top-level personnel down through the various levels constituting your business. You can associate the responsible managers with their areas of the EPS —either nodes or individual projects. When you associate a responsible manager with an EPS node any projects you add to that branch of the EPS are assigned that manager element by default. The OBS hierarchy is also used to grant users specific access privileges to projects and the WBS levels within projects.

Currencies : You can specify the monetary unit or base currency used to store costs for all projects in the database, as well as the monetary unit or view currency used to display costs in windows and dialog boxes. The exchange rate for the base currency is always 1.0. If you select a different currency than the base currency to view costs, the base currency value is multiplied times the current exchange rate for the view currency to calculate the values displayed in cost fields. For example, if the base currency is U.S. Dollars, the view currency is Euros, and the exchange rate is €0.75 = $1, a value of $10 stored in the database is displayed as €7.5 in cost fields in windows and dialog boxes. Similarly, if you enter €7.5 in a cost field, it is stored in the database as $10.

Summarize : To summarize the projects in other nodes, select the respective node and choose Actions | Summarize Projects. In Primavera P6 EPPM summarizing projects is important, so that the EPS view displays the most up-to-date project data. Remember that the Summarize Projects process is not automatic

Filter : A filter temporarily limits the projects or activities that appear on screen, according to criteria you establish. One example, you can view active projects or activities scheduled to start during the next three weeks. You can apply one or more filters to the layout at any time.

Network Logic Diagram : A network logic diagram is a graphic representation of all the activities in a project and their logical (dependent) relationships.

Percent Complete Type : The way in which the percent complete for the selected activity is determined. An activity's percent complete type can be Units, Duration, or Physical.

Duration % Complete : When using Duration % Complete to update an activity the selected activity's Activity % Complete is tied to its Duration % Complete.

Units % Complete : When using Units % Complete to update an activity the selected activity's Activity % Complete is tied to its Units % Complete.

Physical % Complete :

When using Physical % Complete you may enter the selected activity's Activity % Complete in the Physical % field on the Status tab. Physical percent complete is not connected directly to remaining duration.

Lag : Lag specifies an offset or delay between an activity and its successor. It can be added to any relationship type and can be positive or negative. There are four calendar types available for scheduling lag, the predecessor activity calendar, the successor activity calendar, the 24-hour calendar and the project default calendar.

Successor : An activity that must occur after another activity. An activity can have multiple successors, each with a different relationship to it.

Free Float : The amount of time an activity can be delayed from its Early Start without delaying the activities that immediately follow (successor activities).

Total Float : The amount of time an activity can be delayed from its Early Start without delaying the project. It is the difference between an activity’s late dates and early dates and is automatically calculated each time the project is scheduled.

Critical Path : The critical path is a series of activities that determines a project's completion date.