basliqlabs / qwest-docs

Central documentation for the project Qwest. Contains documentation on business topics, design decisions, software architecture, and much more.
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Qwest docs

This documentation contains information about general engineering discussions and application-specific developer guides.

Contributor guide

There are a few simple guidelines that you have to follow for contributing to this project.

Contribution guidelines

You can contribute to this project in many ways. You can file an issue and let us know about any bugs, typos, or improvements. You can also fork this project, implement the changes, and submit a pull request.

Code style and structure

We are using Microsoft's writing style guide to write our English documentation.
🚧 We are still working on our Persian writing style guide.

Development environment setup

  1. Install NodeJS LTS
  2. Clone this repository
  3. While inside this repository on your local machine, execute the npm i command
  4. To start a local development server to view the changes in a browser window, execute the npm run start command

Branching, pull requests, and commit message

For the changes you want to make, create a branch with the following naming convention: <github-username>/[docs|diagrams]/<document-name>.


For commit messages use the convention of git commit -m "[docs|diagrams|fix|feat|ci|refactor](<scope>): <description> <#issue-number>"


After you are done with making changes, submit a pull request to the main branch and ask for a qwest-core team member to review the changes.


Before you ask for a review, make sure that your project can be built by using the npm run build command.
