bass64 / cits3403project

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CITS3403 PROJECT - Music Recommendation and Review Board


This website will be a request board where users can post music recommendations and then other users can reply with their own rating/review of the music. It would be similar to websites like Rate Your Music and Album of The Year, but in the style of a user request board instead of a database that has singular pages for each album. Some potential features would be embedding music links from streaming services, having a dedicated rating element, users being able to like/dislike others posts, searching for posts, tags for artists/genres, user pages, and featured posts.


The following software should be downloaded prior to installation

1. Check your Python version

In a terminal run:

2. Clone the Repository

The simplest way to clone the repo is using VSCode, in the IDE on the "welcome" page there is an option to "Clone Git Repository", Click it and then paste in the link for the repo:, then you'll be prompted to sign into you github account.

3. Create and Activate Your Virtual Environment with venv

  1. Run python3 -m venv venv in the terminal to create your virtual environment.
  2. Activate your venv using .\venv\Scripts\activate for windows or with source venv/bin/activate if using a linux based command line - you will need to activate the environment whenever you plan to run code within the project.
  3. Install any packages in the virtual environment:
    • On initial setup dependancies can be installed from the requirements.txt file by executing pip install -r requirements.txt within the virtual environment - (venv) should be visible in your command line
    • If another package needs to be installed use pip install as normal within the venv, then once any changes are made save them by updating the requirements.txt file using pip freeze > requirements.txt

4. Run the Flask Application

Now that all the setup is completed you are ready to code and to run the application. This can be done with flask run in the terminal

Group Members:

Cooper Thompson (23621342) \ Email: \ GitHub: bass64

Alexander Nichols (23411868) \ Email: \ GitHub: torinn-64

Sibi Moothedan (23615908) \ Email: \ GitHub: sibi12325

Daniel Le (23625105) \ Email: \ GitHub: dhq-Le