bassarisse / google-spreadsheet-to-json

Simple tool to export Google Spreadsheets to JSON files, though Node API or CLI
The Unlicense
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NPM version Build Status (master branch of bassarisse/google-spreadsheet-to-json)

A simple tool to export Google Spreadsheets to JSON files. Can be used though Node API or CLI.



$ npm install -g google-spreadsheet-to-json

Node API:

$ npm install --save google-spreadsheet-to-json


$ gsjson --help

Usage: gsjson <spreadsheet-id> [file] [options]


  -h, --help                   output usage information
  -V, --version                output the version number
  -b, --beautify               Beautify final JSON
  -s, --credentials <s>        Service Account credentials JSON data or file path
  -t, --token <token>          Auth token acquired externally
  -y, --tokentype <tokentype>  Type of the informed token (defaults to "Bearer")
  -w, --worksheet <n>          Worksheet index (zero-based) or title (defaults to first worksheet, can be repeated)
  -a, --all-worksheets         Return all worksheets (worksheet option is ignored)
  -c, --hash <column>          Column to hash the final object
  -m, --property-mode <mode>   How to handle property names: "camel" (default), "pascal", "nospace" or "none"
  -i, --vertical               Use the first column as header
  -l, --list-only              Just list the values in arrays
  -0, --include-header         Include header when using "list-only" option
  --header-start <n>           Header start line (auto-detected by default)
  --header-size <n>            Header lines quantity (defaults to 1)
  --ignore-col <n>             Column name (Excel-like labels) to be ignored (can be repeated, number are also supported)
  --ignore-row <n>             Row number to be ignored (can be repeated)

Usage (CLI)

Public spreadsheets:

$ gsjson abc123456789 data.json

Private spreadsheets:

$ gsjson abc123456789 data.json -s creds.json
$ gsjson abc123456789 data.json -t authtoken

You can also redirect the output if you omit the filename:

$ gsjson abc123456789 >> data.json

Usage (Node API)

With the exception of beautify and the file path, the same options from the CLI applies here (options like include-header becomes includeHeader).

var gsjson = require('google-spreadsheet-to-json');

    spreadsheetId: 'abc123456789',
    // other options...
.then(function(result) {
.catch(function(err) {


About authentication

Since Google enforces OAuth 2.0, this module offers arguments for Service Account JSON credentials or an auth token.

The credentials option can receive a file path, the JSON data (string) or an object (on Node API).

For quick tests, there's a method to acquire a temporary token:

For more detailed information regarding auth methods:

Known issues

Examples & change log

See specific files.



google-spreadsheet-to-json is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see the accompanying UNLICENSE file.