bassoy / ttv

C++ Header-Only Library for High-Performance Tensor-Vector Multiplication
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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arrays blas c-plus-plus fast high-performance multidimensional multilinear-algebra tensor tensor-contraction tensor-library tensor-times-vector tensor-vector-multiplication tensor-vector-multiplications

High-Performance Tensor-Vector Multiplication Library (TTV)

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TTV is C++ high-performance tensor-vector multiplication header-only library It provides free C++ functions for parallel computing the mode-q tensor-times-vector product of the general form


where q is the contraction mode, A and C are tensors of order p and p-1, respectively, b is a tensor of order 1, thus a vector. Simple examples of tensor-vector multiplications are the inner-product c = a[i] * b[i] with q=1 and the matrix-vector multiplication c[i] = A[i,j] * b[j] with q=2. The number of dimensions (order) p and the dimensions n[r] as well as a non-hierarchical storage format pi of the tensors A and C can be chosen at runtime.

All function implementations are based on the Loops-Over-GEMM (LOG) approach and utilize high-performance GEMV or DOT routines of BLAS such as OpenBLAS or Intel MKL without transposing the tensor. The library is an extension of the boost/ublas tensor library containing the sequential version. Implementation details and runtime behevior of the tensor-vector multiplication functions are described in the research paper article.

Please have a look at the wiki page for more informations about the usage, function interfaces and the setting parameters.

Key Features





The experiments were carried out on a Core i9-7900X Intel Xeon processor with 10 cores and 20 hardware threads running at 3.3 GHz. The source code has been compiled with GCC v7.3 using the highest optimization level -Ofast and -march=native, -pthread and -fopenmp. Parallel execution has been accomplished using GCC ’s implementation of the OpenMP v4.5 specification. We have used the dot and gemv implementation of the OpenBLAS library v0.2.20. The benchmark results of each of the following functions are the average of 10 runs.

The comparison includes three state-of-the-art libraries that implement three different approaches.

The experiments were carried out with asymmetrically-shaped and symmetrically-shaped tensors in order to provide a comprehensive test coverage where the tensor elements are stored according to the first-order storage format. The tensor order of the asymmetrically- and symmetrically-shaped tensors have been varied from 2 to 10 and 2 to 7, respectively. The contraction mode q has also been varied from 1 to the tensor order.

Symmetrically-Shaped Tensors

TTV has been executed with parameters tlib::execution::blas, tlib::slicing::large and tlib::loop_fusion::all

Drawing Drawing
Drawing Drawing

Asymmetrically-Shaped Tensors

TTV has been executed with parameters tlib::execution::blas, tlib::slicing::small and tlib::loop_fusion::all

Drawing Drawing
Drawing Drawing


#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
#include <iostream>
#include <tlib/ttv.h>

int main()
  const auto q = 2ul; // contraction mode

  auto A = tlib::tensor<float>( {4,3,2} ); 
  auto B = tlib::tensor<float>( {3,1}   );

  A =  { 1  5  9  | 13 17 21
         2  6 10  | 14 18 22
         3  7 11  | 15 19 23
         4  8 12  | 16 20 24 };

  B =   { 1 1 1 } ;

  // computes mode-2 tensor-times-vector product with C(i,j) = A(i,k,j) * B(k)
  auto C1 = A (q)* B; 

  C =  { 1+5+ 9 | 13+17+21
         2+6+10 | 14+18+22
         3+7+11 | 15+19+23
         4+8+12 | 16+20+24 };

Compile with g++ -I../include/ -std=c++17 -Ofast -fopenmp main.cpp -o main and additionally -DUSE_OPENBLAS or -DUSE_INTELBLAS for fast execution.


If you want to refer to TTV as part of a research paper, please cite the article Design of a High-Performance Tensor-Vector Multiplication with BLAS

  author="Bassoy, Cem",
  editor="Rodrigues, Jo{\~a}o M. F. and Cardoso, Pedro J. S. and Monteiro, J{\^a}nio and Lam, Roberto and Krzhizhanovskaya, Valeria V. and Lees, Michael H. and Dongarra, Jack J. and Sloot, Peter M.A.",
  title="Design of a High-Performance Tensor-Vector Multiplication with BLAS",
  booktitle="Computational Science -- ICCS 2019",
  publisher="Springer International Publishing",