The pug-vdom can compile a pug template into a render function that
can create a virtual dom tree by using a library such as virtual-dom
npm install pug-vdom
var pugVDOM = require('pug-vdom')
var ast = pugVDOM.ast('mytemplate.pug', './basedir')
var compiler = new pugVDOM.Compiler(ast)
var code = compiler.compile()
The code variable contain a render function with this signature:
function render(context, h) {
return Array(h(), h(), ...)
The return value is a list of hyperscript node, the hyperscript function ( is the one provided as the second parameter.
An convenient function can be used to compile your pug files into directly usable module
var vDom = require('./pug-vdom')
vDom.generateFile('input.pug', 'output.pug.js', './basedir')
Then typically you can use the resulting file like this
var render = require('./output.pug.js') // importing the render function of this template
var h = require('virtual-dom/h') // we use virtual hyperscript function
var diff = require('virtual-dom/diff')
var patch = require('virtual-dom/patch')
var createElement = require('virtual-dom/create-element')
//runtime library is required and puts 'pugVDOMRuntime' into the global scope.
var tree = render({variable: 1}, h)
var rootNode = createElement(tree[0]) // we expect only one node at the root from our template
function liveRender () {
var newTree = render({variable: 2}, h)
var domDiff = diff(tree[0], newTree[0])
patch(rootNode, domDiff)
tree = newTree
If you are using Browserify, a transform is available