batman084 / Overflow

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Project Board

Weekly Updates - Week 3

Arnav and Jacob

This week Arnav and Jacob worked on the to do section/remidner of myconnect as well as SQL for the database *Note: The first commit was done on a branch by Jacob and merged to main by Gautum* Commit work for Jacob: - [Commit Link]( - [Commit Link]( - [Commit Link]( Commit work for Arnav S: - [Commit Link]( - [Commit Link]( - [Commit Link](

Weekly Updates - Week 3

Gautam and Dhruv

This week Me (Gautam) and Dhruv worked on finally finishing up MyConnect on our project. We plan to work on ToDo and deployment this weekend. Here is what we plan to do this week: - Started working on html and css for MyConnect and entire project - Started working on rest api - Finish html and css for MyConnect - Deployment [Commit Link]( *Note: The commit is just Gautam's because Dhruv and Gautam work on it together on a Discord call*

Weekly Updates - Week 2

Jacob & Arnav

This week, Arnav and I (Jacob) worked on the ToDo feature of the project.

Here are the links to our commits: Jacob's and Arnav's Code - [Commit Link]( - [Commit Link]( - [Commit Link]( - [Commit Link]( Self Grade: Jacob - 5/5 Arnav - 5/5

Weekly Updates

Gautam & Dhruv

This week, Dhruv and I (Gautam) worked on the MyConnect aspect of our project. Dhruv added the extra functionality to the MyConnect interface that we wanted whereas I restructured the project into the different parts of the project we need for NATM. I also incorporated our minilabs into our Overflow repo.

Here are the links to our commits: [Dhruv's Code]( & [Gautam's Code]( Me and Dhruv are very much on track for our plan according to our umbrella ticket. Self Grade: Dhruv - 5/5 Gautam - 5/5

Project Plan

We plan to create a version of MyConnect but scaled down to a google calendar format which will also take into account a todo list that the user can create, add to, and remove items from

The goal of this application is to support students and keep them on track and organized to ensure that the students are on track for assignments and due dates

Project Features

MyConnect API Link
Our application will link with the users existing MyConnect profile and will display assignments on the home screen of the application so that users can easily view all assignments that have to be done
Our application will also support a in-app ToDo list that the user can make to supplement the MyConnect linked account so that the user can add specific items for their agenda
Project Plan Flowchart: ![](

Week 2: Setting up a structure

Goals for this week

Project Aspect Goal
MyConnect Get the code to parse JSON working, and figure out how to access the url for JSON output
ToDo Get a base webpage functioning, and figure out how to set up the database
Overall Get the file structure working correctly for Gradle, and orgainize the file structure. Also set up folders for additional web pages, and work on main page.

Results and future goals

We were able to complete all the goals we made this week, and are ready to move on to enhance what we already made, by bettering the HTML pages. Next week we hope to get some of the projects working, such as MyConnect. We also want to plan more features for the future to do with MyConnect, and ToDo, as currently both are only made to do one task respectively.

Week 1: Set up


S: Specific
Create a seamless design that brings in MyConnect and also a ToDo feature that work together in harmony to create a application that will aide all students
M: Measurable
The progress of the project will be tracked through the progress board on Github. Each week, if each individual is able to complete individual assignments, it is a reflection that we are on track.
A: Achievable
This is a realistic goal as it is not too ambitious. We know that in the time frame, we won’t be able to replicate My Connect which is why we will create something that reflects just the TO-DO list feature from My Connect.
R: Relevant
This is a relevant project as the TO-DO feature is something that we have seen in our lives. It also complements the technical topics discussed in class as we’ll host the website on AWS and code in HTML/CSS.
T: Time-bound
We will project this to take 6 weeks (half a trimester) and will attempt to complete all our individual assignments by then. We will start from next week.

SMART Goal Reflection

The most important goal we have is the stay on track and that is why we have created a Project Board that we use to keep ourselves on track. This week, all members of the team worked on their invididual tasks, which were mainly focused on researching and learning about our individual assignments.

MiniLab Repo

All of our minilabs are accessible via this repo: Overflow Minilabs

Week 0: Planning

Individual Assignments

Name Assignment
Arnav ToDo Feature - Link app to HTML/CSS
Gautam MyConnect Feature - Establish link between app an MyConnect via API
Sanvi ToDo feature - Database management and creation
Dhruv MyConnect Feature - Establish link between API and HTML/CSS
Jacob ToDo Feature - Link database back to app


Create a seamless design that brings in MyConnect and also a ToDo feature that work together in harmony to create a application that will aide all students