Official Tensorflow implementation of ICLR 2020 paper: Explanation By Progressive Exaggeration.
Training graphs and qualitative results
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
CelebA dataset is downloaded and saved at ./data/CelebA. IPython notebook creates text files with file names and labels and save them at ./data/CelebA/. These text files are used as input data to train the classifier.
2.a. To train a multi-label classifier on all 40 attributes
python --config 'configs/celebA_DenseNet_Classifier.yaml'
2.b. To train a binary classifier on 1 attribute
python --config 'configs/celebA_Smile_DenseNet_Classifier.yaml'
Process the output of the classifier and create input for Explanation model by discretizing the posterior probability. The input data for the Explanation model is saved at: $log_dir$/$name$/explainer_input/
Trainer explainer model. The output is saved at: $log_dir$/$name$.
python --config 'configs/celebA_Young_Explainer.yaml'
Explore the trained Explanation model and see qualitative results.
Save results of the trained Explanation model for quantitative experiments.
python --config 'configs/celebA_Young_Explainer.yaml'
Use the saved results to perform experiments as shown in paper
title={Explanation by Progressive Exaggeration},
author={Sumedha Singla and Brian Pollack and Junxiang Chen and Kayhan Batmanghelich},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},