batsw / AndroidAnonymityChat

A secure and serverless chat application that uses the TOR network (Deep Web) to send the messages
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
8 stars 1 forks source link

AndroidAnonymityChat - Build Status


Anonymity Chat is an Android app that provides secure and anonymous messaging. It is using TOR Network to send the messages.


  1. Security ---> (the communication between contacts is via the Tor Network which is providing a high level of security)
  2. Anonymity ---> (as in security case, the Tor Network is providing the anonymity on the Internet)
  3. Availability ---> (There is no server involved in offering the communication services. There is NO 'Central Server' or 'Server in the Cloud' to provide any services. The application is functional and available 100% of the time as long as you and your partner are using Anonymity Chat and an Internet Connection).
  4. Privacy ---> (Message history is kept on each client side as long as they want. The user is the one that is deciding for how long the conversation history is kept. The user is the sole responsible for his conversation privacy.)
  5. Scalability ---> (Having a SERVERLESS software architecture, the application and the communication services are easy to scale)

Please follow our WIKI Page

How to USE/Install the App

Installation steps are comming soon ...

For more details about features and User Help please refer to our [Wiki Pages] (

Contributor Community, Help and FAQ (Want to Contribute ?)

Current development state

The project development state can be tracked at the configured Kanban board and by accessing the ISSUES page. There is also available the milestones page that describe the focus of the development effort. Please follow the following resources:

Setting Up Development Environment

Please refer to our [Wiki Pages] (

Setting Up Desktop test environment

In order to test the app you need another partner to send/receive messages to/from.

So far the app has been tested using a partner from Windows OS using [TorExpertBundle] and using the same two classes TorPublisher and TorReceiver. At the specified link you have all the necessary details to set it up.

Development environment details
Building project in Android Studio Intellij based IDE


BAT Software Technical SUPPORT

If you have any questions or you encounter difficulties regarding Development or Testing Environment please create an [ISSUE labeled SUPPORT and HELP WANTED] (