battleaxedotco / brutalism

Battleaxe's component library for Adobe CEP panels
MIT License
86 stars 12 forks source link
adobe adobe-after-effects adobe-animate adobe-audition adobe-cep adobe-illustrator adobe-indesign adobe-photoshop adobe-premiere after-effects audition battleaxe illustrator indesign photoshop premiere-pro vue vue-cli vuejs


Demos Installation Getting Started Templates Components

Battleaxe's component library for every app, every theme, and every one

Check out the documentation site

Make panels for After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere Pro, Audition, Animate, InCopy, Prelude, Dreamweaver, Muse, Bridge and Rush like a pro even if you can't code like one.

Developing a panel for Adobe should be more about what your tool does, not just what your tool looks like. Brutalism is so quick you can make a panel in a few hours instead of a few months, and so flexible you can rely entirely on what it offers or take only the parts you need:


These are not screenshots, they're the real thing in browser:

All of the above are made possible by this library's <Panelify> component and dead simple to do.


npm i brutalism

If using bombino:

npm i -g bombino

# In any valid CEP directory:

# > Select a Brutalism template on prompt

# Skip above installation and invocation with a single command:
# npx bombino

Getting Started

Bombino takes care of all this for you. Only do the below if installing the library manually.

Within ./src/main.js (to use anywhere in project with no need to import per component file):

// Import the desired components
import { Panel, Menus } from "brutalism";

// Assign them as global components to the Vue instance
Vue.component("Panel", Panel);
Vue.component("Menus", Menus);

// Be sure to do so before instantiating Vue:
new Vue({
  render: (h) => h(App),

Within App.vue or a given .vue file:

// Import as many or few components as you need
import { Panel, Menus } from 'brutalism';

export default {
  components: {


Quickstart templates with bombino to get you up and running in less than a minute:


See all available components live on the documentation site here