bazhenov / ttr

Interactive terminal task runner
MIT License
35 stars 1 forks source link

Terminal Task Runner

The idea behind ttr is the same as behind Vim WhichKey. It allows you to run tasks using simple one character codes.

The main difference is ttr doesn't depend on any editor and works right in the shell.



Homebrew (macOS and Linux)

$ brew install bazhenov/tap/ttr

Linux (.deb)

$ cur -OL
$ dpkg -i ttr-0.3.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.deb

Building from sources

You need rust toolchain to be installed.

$ cargo install --git=


ttr looks for a .ttr.yaml file in following directories:

Tasks from all files are merged together. Prirority is given to task defined earlier.

Configuration example:

- name: git
  key: g
  - name: lazygit
    key: g
    cmd: lazygit
  - name: git diff
    key: d
    cmd: git diff
- name: cargo
  key: c
  - name: test
    key: t
    cmd: cargo test
    confirm: true # displays confirmation after command exited
    clear: true # clears terminal before running command
  - name: run
    key: r
    cmd: cargo run

Integration with terminals


Add following code to your .zshrc

bindkey -s '^k' '^E^Uttr^M'

This will bind ttr to Ctrl+k


Put following in ~/.config/fish/

bind \ck 'echo; ttr; commandline -f repaint'


Analog in bash would be following configuration in .bashrc

bind -x '"\C-K":"ttr"'


In tmux you can use shortcut to run ttr like this:

bind t new-window sh -c "ttr"

Now on <leader>t ttr will be executed in a new window in the current session. You also can map a key in a normal mode (no need to press the <leader> key first)

bind -n C-Space new-window sh -c "ttr"

this will bind ttr to Ctrl+Space.


In iTerm you can assign shortcuts to execute ttr.