bbc / hive-runner-android

Android module for Hive Runner
MIT License
6 stars 2 forks source link


Android module for Hive Runner

Quick start

Install the hive-runner gem and set up your hive:

gem install hive-runner
hive_setup my_hive

When you are asked whether you want to add a module, press 1 and enter android as the module name. You will then be able to select the latest version from either Github or Rubygems.

Follow the configuration instructions and, in particular, ensure that the HIVE_CONFIG variable is set.

Start the Hive daemon:

hived start

Determine the status of the Hive:

hived status

Stop the Hive:

hived stop

Configuration file

Example config file:

   name_stub: ANDROID_WORKER
   port_range_size: 10