bbc / sqs-consumer

Build Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) based applications without the boilerplate
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aws javascript nodejs polling sqs


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Build SQS-based applications without the boilerplate. Just define an async function that handles the SQS message processing.


To install this package, simply enter the following command into your terminal (or the variant of whatever package manager you are using):

npm install sqs-consumer

If you would like to use JSR instead, you can find the package here.

Note This library assumes you are using AWS SDK v3. If you are using v2, please install v5.8.0:

npm install sqs-consumer@5.8.0

Node version

We will only support Node versions that are actively or security supported by the Node team. If you are still using an Node 14, please use a version of this library before the v7 release, if you are using Node 16, please use a version before the v7.3.0 release.


Visit for the full API documentation.


import { Consumer } from "sqs-consumer";

const app = Consumer.create({
  queueUrl: "",
  handleMessage: async (message) => {
    // do some work with `message`

app.on("error", (err) => {

app.on("processing_error", (err) => {



By default the consumer will look for AWS credentials in the places specified by the AWS SDK. The simplest option is to export your credentials as environment variables:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...

If you need to specify your credentials manually, you can use a pre-configured instance of the SQS Client client.

import { Consumer } from "sqs-consumer";
import { SQSClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-sqs";

const app = Consumer.create({
  queueUrl: "",
  handleMessage: async (message) => {
    // ...
  sqs: new SQSClient({
    region: "my-region",
    credentials: {
      accessKeyId: "yourAccessKey",
      secretAccessKey: "yourSecret",

app.on("error", (err) => {

app.on("processing_error", (err) => {

app.on("timeout_error", (err) => {


AWS IAM Permissions

Consumer will receive and delete messages from the SQS queue. Ensure sqs:ReceiveMessage, sqs:DeleteMessage, sqs:DeleteMessageBatch, sqs:ChangeMessageVisibility and sqs:ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch access is granted on the queue being consumed.



Creates a new SQS consumer using the defined options.


Start polling the queue for messages.


Stop polling the queue for messages. You can find the options definition here.

By default, the value of abort is set to false which means pre existing requests to AWS SQS will still be made until they have concluded. If you would like to abort these requests instead, pass the abort value as true, like so:

consumer.stop({ abort: true })


Returns the current status of the consumer.

Note: This method is not available in versions before v9.0.0 and replaced the method isRunning to supply both running and polling states.

consumer.updateOption(option, value)

Updates the provided option with the provided value.

Please note that any update of the option pollingWaitTimeMs will take effect only on next polling cycle.

You can find out more about this here.


Each consumer is an EventEmitter and emits these events.


We welcome and appreciate contributions for anyone who would like to take the time to fix a bug or implement a new feature.

But before you get started, please read the contributing guidelines and code of conduct.


SQS Consumer is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for more information.