bbedward / graham_discord_bot

Discord Bot for the BANANO and NANO cryptocurrencies
MIT License
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Graham - Discord Bot for BANANO and NANO

GitHub release (latest) License CI

Graham is the most advanced, highest performing discord bot for any cryptocurrency ever. It is built for the BANANO and NANO cryptocurrencies.

The features of this bot include on-chain tipping, rains, favorites, wide-variety of statistics, giveaways, a suite of administration commands, and more.

Why do I want this?

Because Graham is awesome, with it you can:

Where can I see it in action?

Head to the BANANO Discord - you can see both the NANO and BANANO bots in action just by typing ?help and .help

How do I add it to my server?

Graham is currently not public, but it will be soon! In the meantime you can follow the instructions below to setup your own.

Setting up your own Graham


Graham 4.0+ requires the following:

It sounds like a lot, but it's actually quite simple.

On ubuntu 18.04 you can get everything you need with:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
$ sudo apt install python3.7 python3.7-dev redis-server git
# And if you choose to use PostgreSQL over SQLite
$ sudo apt install postgresql

Installing these requirements is dependent on your operating system, you should be able to find out how to install them quickly with a simple google search, example: "How to intall python 3.7 on centos 7", "how to install python 3.7 on MacOS catalina"

Configuring the bot

There are 3 different "groups" of settings to configure the bot.

1) Environment Sensitive variables are stored in the environment. There are two environment variables that are required to run the bot. You can put this in a file called .env in the same directory as the project.

# The ID of the wallet the bot will use
# This is returned to you when you use `wallet_create`
# Bot Token
# See here for how to obtain one:

2) Command Line Arguments These are all required options, but they have typical defaults already specified. Use python3.7 --help to see the full list of options.

3) YAML Configuration File A file fulled of optional settings, everything in the file is optional - typically these settings tweak the bot's behavior and various thresholds. You need to create the file config.yaml with the options you want, you can see all of the available options in config.yaml.example

PostgreSQL or SQLite?

You can use PostgreSQL or SQLite with Graham. SQLite is an easier to setup and a more portable solution (easier to copy the database to different machines, etc.), but it's potentially more prone to corruption, less performant, etc.

Using SQLite The bot will use SQLite by default and you don't have to configure anything.

Using Postgres

After postgres is installed

# Run psql as postgres user
$ sudo -u postgres psql

Run the following to create your database, changing mypassword, user_name, and database_name with whatever you want.

create role user_name with login password 'mypassword';
create database database_name;
grant all privileges on database database_name to user_name;

Then add these to the .env, creating one if it doesn't already exist.


You can also override the postgres host and port if desired with POSTGRES_HOST and POSTGRES_PORT

Setting up callback

Create a config.yaml if it doesn't already exist, ensure the following is added to it:

  # The host/port of the bot's aiohttp server
  # Used for callbacks and APIs
  # Callback is at $host:$port/callback (e.g.
  port: 11337

Then in your node configuration at ~/BananoData/config-node.toml or ~/Nano/config-node.toml add:

address = "::ffff:"
port = 11337
target = "/callback"

Then your bot will notify users when they make a deposit.

Installing python dependencies

We're going to use a virtualenv as the environment our bot will run in.

# Create virtualenv
$ python3.7 -m pip install virtualenv
$ python3.7 -m virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
# Install requirements
$ pip install -U -r requirements.txt

Running the bot

Once you have configured your .env file you can run the bot.

# get a list of options you can override
$ python --help
# Run bot
$ python

Installing as a service

You can run Graham as a system service if you want it to automatically start on boot.

With systemd (Linux)

Create the file /etc/systemd/system/graham.service

Add the following

Description=Graham Bot



Enable it to start on boot:

$ sudo systemctl enable graham

Start it:

$ sudo systemctl start graham

Check status:

$ sudo systemctl status graham

How do I upgrade from Graham 3.0 to Graham 4.0?

Upgrading is not officially supported or documented.

If you want to attempt to update while migrating data - install a fresh Graham 4.0 first

You can then reference the script in the v3_migrate folder.

The script MAY NOT fit your situation!

It should be used as a reference, and you should modify it as necessary.