bcardiff / themis

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Creative Commons License

Themis by Brian J. Cardiff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at https://github.com/bcardiff/themis.


A docker image is built on every push to master and git tag. The image is published as bcardiff/themis. Check manastech/ci-docker-builder for more information.

Each image will have a /app/VERSION file that is shown in the footer of the application.

To create and push a new tag you can perform

$ git tag -a 0.x.y -m "Release 0.x.y"
$ git push --tags

Read more at Git Basics Tagging.

Docker development environment

Install docker and docker-compose.


$ ./dev-setup.sh
$ docker-compose up

Open http://localhost:3000.

First time

Register a user from the login form in the web.

$ docker-compose exec app rails console
   > u = User.first
   > u.admin = true
   > u.save!
   > exit

Reload the web page.


Open http://localhost:3080 to see the emails sent from the app during development.

Running specs

To run specs $ docker-compose exec app rspec.

A selenium can be accessed via vnc at localhost:5901 (password: secret).

When restoring a backup, you can reset user password doing

Restore backups

$ docker-compose exec app rake db:drop db:create
$ docker-compose exec db bash
   # mysql -u root themis_development < ./path/to/backup.sql
$ docker-compose exec app /bin/bash -c "USER=email@domain.com PASSWORD=newpassword rake app:reset_pwd"

Note: If the backup.sql is stored in this project folder, then /src/backup.sql is the path to use.