bcattoor / NovaPoint-Open-Issue-List

Open transparant, and available for everyone.
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Open transparant, and available for everyone.

U can find the list here.

Why this repository

The last 5 years or so I have been working (commissioned by Infrabel) together with vianova-systems.be to tackle issue's, problems and enhancements for the software product that is called Novapoint BASE, and the supplementary module that runs on top of AutoCAD, Novapoint RAILWAY.

What I want to accomplish with this repository is setting up a light weight issue tracker, that is available for everyone around the world, making all information transparent and accessible to all.


This is in no way an official way of asking for support for any of the above mentioned software products. If you would like official support for those products please contact their support teams.

The maintainer of this repository is not responsible for the content that is within this repository and its issue tracker.

For official information about Novapoint software: http://www.novapoint.com/products/novapoint/