bcc-code / bcc-media-tools

[BCC Media]
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BCC Media Tools

Contains several tools used for various internal/backoffice tasks.

Current tools:


Transcription Editor

Allows editing word level timestamped trascriptions in json format. It is possible to syncronize the transcription with the preview from Mediabanken.



BMM Uploader

Allows uploading files, with direct link to BMM. The files are ingested using a temporal workflow after upload.

The main functionality is the ability to select a track from BMM and upload a file to it.




Install connectrpc tools:

# GO tools
go install github.com/bufbuild/buf/cmd/buf@latest
go install github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/cmd/grpcurl@latest
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@latest
go install connectrpc.com/connect/cmd/protoc-gen-connect-go@latest

# TypeScript/JS tools
# This are installed globally, you can also install them locally if you want to mess around
npm install -g @connectrpc/protoc-gen-connect-es @bufbuild/protoc-gen-es

Install dependencies:

cd frontend
pnpm install

cd ../backend
go mod download

cd ..

Update Config:

cp frontend/env.example frontend/.env
vim frontend/.env

cp backend/env.example backend/.env
vim backend/.env

Update intial permissions:

cp permissions.example.json permissions.json
vim permissions.json


Start temporal:

temporal server start-dev

Start the frontend:

cd frontend && pnpm dev

Start the backend:

cd backend && go run cmd/server/main.go

Regenerate api code:

buf generate

Working with the API

The api is defined in api/api.proto. The definitions are written in protobuf, and the code is generated using buf and protoc-gen-connect-go.

More information can be found at: