bcfoodapp / streetfoodlove

StreetFoodLove capstone project
3 stars 1 forks source link

Link to Screenshots of app

App Screenshots

Link to app


Use an alternate Google account if you want to sign-in with Google! Do not use your main Google account as the app is not guaranteed to be secure.

StreetFoodApp Dependencies

How to run

  1. To initialize the database, go to backend/reset_database and run go run .
  2. (Optional) Install AWS CLI, then configure AWS credentials. If you do not do this, all AWS calls will fail.
  3. Go to the backend folder in PowerShell and run the command go run .
  4. Go to the app folder, and install dependencies with npm i
  5. Do npm start and wait for it to compile
  6. With the backend server still running, go to http://localhost:3000/streetfoodlove/
    • Press ctrl-c to stop the server and npm

To run in production

| home
  1. As shown in the directory tree above, place the .crt and .key certificate files in the parent directory of backend.
  2. Create a file named secrets.json with the schema given in backend/database.Secrets.
  3. Clone just the backend directory to the same directory where the certificates are located.
    • Steps 3 to 4 are completed through AWS CodeDeploy using the appspec.yml file.
  4. Run the backend package, passing the environment variable SECRETS_FILE containing the path to the secrets.json file. For example:
    SECRETS_FILE=~/secrets.json sudo -E go run .