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blackbox grafana prometheus



Steps for installing Prometheus and Grafana. This installation includes the use of blackbox exporter to allow probes against our containers.

What this repository contains

This repository contains OpenShift deployment templates for BlackBox, Prometheus and Grafana. Running the instructions below should stand up an instance of Education monitoring stack. This includes two dashboards which are monitoring Education services (in your namespace).

BlackBox Exporter Deployment

To Delete existing blackbox switch to namespace where you want to delete, then run the below command.

oc delete all,rc,svc,dc,route,pvc,secret,configmap,sa,RoleBinding -l name=blackbox
oc new-app -f -p NAMESPACE=<your common namespace> -p ENVIRONMENT=<your env i.e. tools> -p DOMAIN=""

Prometheus Deployment

To Delete existing Prometheus switch to namespace where you want to delete, then run the below command.

oc delete all,rc,svc,dc,route,pvc,secret,configmap,sa,RoleBinding -l name=prometheus
oc new-app -f -p COMMON_NAMESPACE=<your common namespace> -p PEN_NAMESPACE=<pen namespace i.e. v3s4sw> -p ENVIRONMENT=<your env i.e. tools>  -p EQUIV_ENVIRONMENT=<your equivalent env i.e. tools is dev, dev is test, test is uat>

Grafana Deployment

To Delete existing grafana switch to namespace where you want to delete, then run the below command.

oc delete all,rc,svc,dc,route,pvc,secret,configmap,sa,RoleBinding -l name=grafana
oc new-app -f  -p COMMON_NAMESPACE=<your common namespace> -p PEN_NAMESPACE=<pen namespace i.e. v3s4sw> -p ENVIRONMENT=<your env i.e. tools> -p EQUIV_ENVIRONMENT=<your equivalent env i.e. tools is dev, dev is test, test is uat> -p EMAIL_SUPPORT_LIST=","