bcgov / ExitSurveyAdmin

The Exit Survey Administration Tool will assist BC Stats in administering the BCPS Exit Survey.
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link
bcstats citz dotnet-core react



The Exit Survey Administration Tool will assist BC Stats in administering the BCPS Exit Survey.

Development tasks

Running a development environment


  1. Ensure the .NET Core SDK 3.1 is installed.
  2. Ensure you have the .NET EF Core CLI installed: dotnet tool install dotnet-ef --version 6.0.0
  3. Ensure the .NET Core HTTPS development certificate is trusted.
  4. Install Postgres and create a database named esa.
  5. Check out the code from this repository.

NB. To be fully functional, the application should be run in conjunction with the CallWeb API. The code for the CallWeb API is not publicly available. Please reach out to the project team for access. However, the project will still build and run without the CallWeb API.

Install EF Core dependencies

dotnet tool install dotnet-ef --version 6.0.0 dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore --version 3.1.4 dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design --version 3.1.4

Config + secret settings

The application uses two appsettings.json files, one in the /config directory and one in /secret. This mirrors how the application gets deployed to OpenShift. /config/appsettings.json contains non-sensitive configuration for the application, while /secret/appsettings.json contains configuration that should not readily visible.

See also the comments in Program.cs about how the files get resolved when the application is deployed to OpenShift.

To get set up:

  1. Copy the contents of /config/appsettings.config-template.json into a new file, /config/appsettings.json, and update the values as appropriate.

  2. Do the same with /secret/appsettings.secret-template.json, copying it into /secret/appsettings.json.

  3. We also need to set up the frontend environment. In the /ClientApp directory, copy env.example into .env, and update the values as appropriate.

Run migrations

  1. From the root project directory, run dotnet ef database update. This will run the migrations and set up your development database. ENSURE THAT dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore --version 3.1.4 dotnet add package --version 3.1.4

    Note that the database will be seeded automatically when the application is started.

Start the API

  1. Open the root code directory in Visual Studio Code. You may be prompted to add required assets and/or resolve dependencies; do so.
  2. While in Visual Studio Code, press CTRL + F5 to launch the API.
  3. Test that the API is running correctly by checking the HealthStatus. If the project is running at the default location and port: curl http://localhost:5050/api/HealthStatus/Status.

Install frontend dependencies

  1. From the /ClientApp directory run yarn install.

Start the frontend

  1. Still in the /ClientApp directory, run yarn start to launch the front-end. You should see the application open in a new browser.

Required sample input for development

The following sample documents should be placed in the /SampleInput folder, and can be obtained from the project team.

Quick database reset

This command will quickly drop the database, delete migrations, create an initial migration, and update the database.

dotnet ef database drop --force;rm -rf Migrations/*.cs;dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate;dotnet ef database update

Copyright and license

Copyright 2019 Province of British Columbia

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.