bcgov / Mautic-Subscription-App

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This document contains the developer documentation of the Mautic email subscription app. For knowledge and files related to the Mautic server, refer to this repo

For more information on how Mautic integrates into other Platform services, please refer to additional docs.

Architecture Diagram

Architecture Diagram

Local Development

To run this application locally, first create a .env file with the parameters in the .env.example file in the api directory or connect to an openshift api deployment by specifying the correct "backendURL" in the form.json file. As well, update all the parameters in the public/config folder. These values can be referenced from the configmap and secrets in the openshift deployment.

The backend server can be run using the command go run . in the api directory. The frontend can be run using npm run build and npm start.

Making Updates

Create a pull request to the main branch, once merged, a new image will be built in the tools namespace and re-tagged in the dev namespace and a new deployment will be up in dev. Once sufficient testing is done, trigger the deploy-in-prod and deploy-in-prod-api workflow to update the prod deployment. If the application needs to be recreated, please refer to the steps below.

Setting up Mautic Subscription App on Openshift

Start by granting imagepull access to the tools namespace for the dev, test, and prod namespaces oc process -f openshift/mautic.subscribe.rolebindings.yaml -p LICENSE_PLATE=[licenseplate-name] | oc apply -f -

Setting up caddy s2i

Create a new build config for caddy using the command: oc process -f | oc apply -f -

The OCP builder will need to pull a base image from the RedHat Container Registry. To let your builder do this, sign-up for a free RedHat Developer to this site. Once you have credentials, create a secret the builder can use to pull image from the catalog: oc create secret docker-registry rh-registry --docker-username=<USERNAME> --docker-password=<PASSWORD> --docker-email=unused

Link the secret so the builder can use it using the command: oc set build-secret --pull bc/caddy-s2i-builder rh-registry

The final step is to trigger the build which will make the s2i caddy image and store a copy in your namespace:

oc start-build bc/caddy-s2i-builder --follow

For more information on the caddy s2i builder, visit here

Building and Deploying the App

Setting up openshift parameters

Start by creating a mautic.subscription.param file with the parameters in the openshift/mautic.subscription.param.example file.

Setting up keycloak clients


For each deployment in the dev namespace there must be a keycloak client created for it. The keycloak Client ID should match the deployment config name.

For the test and prod namespaces, one keycloak client for each of the namespaces must be created. Ex// mautic-subscription-test and mautic-subscription-prod

Keycloak clients should be created with the following properties:

Client-ID: [client-id-name]
Enabled: On
Consent Required: Off
Client Protocol: openid-connect
Access Type: public
Standard Flow Enabled: On
Implicit Flow Enabled: Off
Direct Access Grants Enabled: Off
Service Accounts Enabled: Off
Authorization Enabled: Off
Valid Redirect URI: https://[app-name]-[image-tag]-[target-namespace].[host-address]/*
Web Origins: *

Additionally, a role should be created with composite roles github-org-bcgov, github-org-bcgov-c, github-org-bcdevops, idir-user.


For the dev, test, and prod namespaces, one keycloak client for each of the namespaces must be created. Ex// mautic-subscription-api-dev, mautic-subscription-api-test and mautic-subscription-api-prod

Keycloak clients should be created with the following properties:

Client-ID: [client-id-name]
Enabled: On
Consent Required: Off
Client Protocol: openid-connect
Access Type: confidential
Standard Flow Enabled: On
Implicit Flow Enabled: Off
Direct Access Grants Enabled: Off
Service Accounts Enabled: On
Authorization Enabled: Off
Valid Redirect URI: *
Web Origins: +

Note that the keycloak properties in the api/.env file must match those from the corresponding client.

Creating the build


Create the build using the commands: oc process -f openshift/mautic.subscribe.bc.yaml --param-file=openshift/mautic.subscription.param --ignore-unknown-parameters=true -p IMAGE_TAG=pr[pr-number] | oc apply -f - -n [tools-namespace] and oc start-build -w [app-name]-[image-tag]


Create the build using the command: oc process -f openshift/mautic.subscribe.api.bc.yaml --param-file=openshift/mautic.subscription.param --ignore-unknown-parameters=true -p IMAGE_TAG=pr[pr-number]| oc apply -f - -n [tools-namespace] and oc start-build -w [app-name]-api-[image-tag]

Retag Images

Before deploying the app in the dev/test/prod namespaces run the following command to retag the image from the tools namespace: oc tag [tools-namespace]/[app-name]:[image-tag] [target-namespace]/[app-name]:[image-tag]

Note for best practice, the pr number can be used as the image tag in the dev namespace but in the test/prod namespaces the image tag should be test/prod

Deploying the app


If there is already a deploymentConfig in the test/prod namespaces, retagging the images will automatically deploy the application using the updated images and existing configmaps/secrets.

If this is the first time deploying the app in the test/prod namespace, or if this is the first time deploying an app in the dev namespace with the current pr number, follow these steps:

After retagging the image, delete the previously configured configmap if there is one: oc delete configmap mautic-config-[image-tag] -n [target-namespace]

Then deploy the app in the target namespaces using the command: oc process -f openshift/mautic.subscribe.dc.yaml --param-file=openshift/mautic.subscription.param --ignore-unknown-parameters=true -p TARGET_NAMESPACE=[target-namespace] -p SSO_CLIENT_ID=[sso-client-id] -p KEYCLOAK_URL=[keycloak-url] -p SSO_AUTHORIZED_ROLES=[authorized-roles]| oc apply -f - -n [target-namespace]


If there is already a deploymentConfig in the test/prod namespaces, retagging the images will automatically deploy the application using the updated images and existing configmaps/secrets.

If this is the first time deploying the app in the test/prod namespace, or if this is the first time deploying an app in the dev namespace with the current pr number, follow these steps:

Create a secret for the environment variables: oc create secret generic [app-name]-api-[image-tag] --from-env-file=api/.env

Deploy the app in the target namespaces using the command: oc process -f openshift/mautic.subscribe.api.dc.yaml --param-file=openshift/mautic.subscription.param -p TARGET_NAMESPACE=[target-namespace] --ignore-unknown-parameters=true -p IMAGE_TAG=pr[pr-number] | oc apply -f - -n [target-namespace]

Cleaning up

To clean up a deployment and its artifact in a namespace, run the command: oc delete all,configmap,secret -l name=[app-name]-[image-tag] -n [target-namespace]

Or, to cleanup all mautic subscription app related artifacts in a namespace, run the command: oc delete all,configmap,secret -l app=[app-name] -n [target-namespace]