bcgov / acs-user-automation-script

MIT License
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ACS MISO Automation Script

Issue that trying to solve

On acs dashboard, deployments and images are on seperate page. On Deployments page it will only shows you the status/check result for deployment but not providing any information about which image this deployment is using. Find a way to merge two scan report from two page into one csv file would be helpful.

This script will get risk image in the namespace that you want to scan


This script can satisfied the above requirement. It will get deployment and image scan result from ACS API endpoint and merge those information into one CSV file that is easy to look at.

This script now include fields for vulnerable image :

You can add/find more available filed in ACS api (documentation)[]

How to use

To use this script you will need to provide 3 parameter into file. Replace with

Then to run the script you will need to

1. Clone the repo and change into its directory.

git clone

cd acs-user-automation-script

2. Run the script


You will need to have python3 to run this script. And in this script, there are two library is requred. To install them, you will need to run:

python3 pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip3 install requests pandas

After upon command successed. We can now run script by:


The output file will then being generated in your current directory in a formate "yournamespace-today's-date.csv" You can change your desire output location at the last line of the