bcgov / bcgov-just-ask

Automated github org membership tool for users into bcgov/bcdevops
Apache License 2.0
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This is the infrastructure code for a just-ask deployment to manage github org membership into bcgov/bcdevops

How to Deploy

This app is managed by github actions. On Merge to:

Pre Requisites

  1. Login to Openshift
  2. Adjust the group vars to your liking
  3. Create the Service Account and grab the credentials to stuff inside the repo secrets ansible-playbook create-sa.yaml
  4. Grab the service account secrets token and stuff into a github secret called OPENSHIFT_SA_PASSWORD ` oc get secret just-ask-token- -o json | jq -r '.data.token' | base64 -D'
  5. Grab Openshift server url and stuff into a github secret called OPENSHIFT_SERVER_URL

There are several secrets you will need to grab from the Github App that has been installed on Github. Things like the private key, client secret, client id, and __app_id__. Obtain those and store as github secret as such:

There are also secrets needed for the database.


Make a PR and apply the 'merge when ready' label when everythings approved! The PR will auto merge and a github action will take care of the rest.

Setting up DB Backups

Database backups on OCP 4.x is done with the backup-container. Setup is straight forward.

  1. Create the backup.conf configmap by running the backup-container playbook and then apply in the prod namespace
  2. As per the instructions for deploying backup container. Create a new build for the backup container in the tools namespace:
curl |
oc process -f - -p NAME=just-ask-backup -p DOCKER_FILE_PATH=Dockerfile_Mongo -p OUTPUT_IMAGE_TAG=1.0.0 -p | oc apply -f -
  1. As per instructions, deploy the backup container by first modifying the templates env vars then applying in the prod namespace

curl | sed -e 's/DATABASE_USER$/JUST_ASK_DB_USER/; s/DATABASE_PASSWORD$/JUST_ASK_DB_PASSWORD/' | oc process -f - -p NAME=just-ask-backup -p SOURCE_IMAGE_NAME=just-ask-backup -p APP_NAME=just-ask -p CPU_LIMIT=1000m -p MEMORY_LIMIT=1Gi -p NAMESPACE_NAME=<prod namespace> -p CPU_REQUEST=300m -p MEMORY_REQUEST=500Mi -p ENVIRONMENT_NAME=prod -p IMAGE_NAMESPACE=<tools namespace> -p TAG_NAME=1.0.0 -p DATABASE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=just-ask-db | oc apply -f -