bcgov / bcrs-shared-components

BCRS Shared Components is a multi-package Lerna repository of shared Vue components, each published individually and that you can explore/ develop/ document/ test using Storybook.
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 30 forks source link



This library is based on

The Storybook (sample) pages for this library are at



1. Clone this repo to your workstation

git clone
cd bcrs-shared-components

2. If needed, update your local source code

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/main

Warning: this overwrites any uncommitted changes on your branch! Stash first if needed.

3. Create a local feature branch

git co -b my-feature-branch

4. Install dependencies

npm i                         // if new repo
npm i --global lerna@^5.6.2   // if you didn't do this previously

NOTE: Step 5 to 9 are only for adding new component

5. Create your component in its own folder (eg, src/components/MyComponent/MyComponent.vue)

6. Create package.json file for your component with version "0.0.0" (see others as examples)

7. Update Lerna dependencies

lerna bootstrap --hoist

This updates the node_modules/ in the sub-folders.

8. Create new Storybook file for your component (see others as examples)

9. Create unit test file for your component and verify locally

npm run test:unit MyComponent

10. Build Storybook and verify your component

npm run build-storybook
npm run storybook

NOTE: rebuilding Storybook will delete file .nojekyll. Do not commit this change, ie, restore this file.

Storybook should open in your browser (and will auto-rebuild on code changes).

Note: GitHub Pages are used to serve the Storybook app folder. As this requires a developer to build before committing, they should ensure that they are building the latest code (ie, including all other recent changes in the repo).

11. Commit your changes to main repo

git push --set-upstream origin my-feature-branch

12. Create a PR from your branch to "main" in GitHub

13. After reviews/fixes, merge your PR

14. Update your main branch and have Lerna update the versions of the affected components

git co main
git fetch origin
git rebase
lerna version --include-merged-tags

Note: This step will create new tags and commit them!

15. Publish to npm

lerna publish from-package

Note: For this step, you need to be logged in to NPM (along with permissions on this library)... follow the prompts if applicable.

16. You can now import your new component into a Vue project!

Special Procedures

How to Create a New Package You Depend on (eg, new "mixins" folder)

If you want, you can create a new shared package for supporting code (eg, "mixins"). Or, you can just create a local copy of the files that you need (eg, with only the content that you need) that your shared component will use when running in Storybook. When your component is running in your actual app, it would use the app's copy of those files.

To create a new package:

  1. create the new package folder (eg, "./src/mixins")
  2. add the code files
  3. add a package.json file with version = "0.0.0" (see others as examples)
  4. add the package name to the "packages" array in lerna.json
  5. commit the changes
  6. run lerna version --include-merged-tags to version your package to "1.0.0"
  7. run lerna publish from-package to publish your package to npm
