bcgov / connectivity-RTP

Intake for application process for BC Connectivity funding program
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 1 forks source link
citz connectivity funding grant intake-form next



Intake for application process for BC Connectivity funding program


Clone the repo and run the following commands:

# Install tools required for the project
asdf install
asdf reshim

# Start Postgres database
pg_ctl start

# Create Database
createdb connectivity_intake

# Set up database
cd db
sqitch deploy

# Build and run application
cd ../app
cp .env.example .env # Copy .env.example file
yarn dev


To run application using Docker, run the following commands from the root folder:

docker build -f app/Dockerfile -t connectivity-intake:latest .
docker run -p 3000:3000 connectivity-intake:latest

Go to: http://localhost:3000

Run End to End Cypress Test Locally

cd app
yarn run cypress:open

Environment Variables

Name Description
NODE_ENV The back-end run-time's environment. Possible values include either "development" or "production".
PGUSER The PostgreSQL user to connect to locally.
PGPASSWORD The PostgreSQL password to connect to locally.
PGDATABASE The PostgreSQL database name to connect to locally.
PGHOST The PostgreSQL port to connect to locally.
PGPORT The PostgreSQL host to connect to locally.
ORIGIN The root URL of the web app.
SESSION_SECRET The session secret passed to middleware, defaults to random string
PORT The port where the app will be served
HOST The addess of the host where the app is located