bcgov / eao-project-reports

EAO Project Reports
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License Report API CI


EAO Project report services.

Development Setup

  1. Open the project in VS Code to treat it as a project (or WSL projec). To prevent version clashes, set up a virtual environment to install the Python packages used by this project.
  2. Run make setup to set up the virtual environment and install libraries.
  3. Next run pip install . to set up the environment for running tests.

You also need to set up the variables used for environment-specific settings:

  1. Copy the dotenv template file to somewhere above the source code and rename to .env. You will need to fill in missing values.

Running the Database on localhost

To prepare your local database:

  1. In the root project folder: docker-compose up -d
  2. In your venv environment:
    flask db upgrade

Running API

  1. Start the flask server with (python -m flask run -p 5000)
  2. View the OpenAPI Docs.

Running Liniting

  1. Run make flake8 or flake8 src/reports_api tests.
  2. Run make pylint or pylint --rcfile=setup.cfg --disable=C0301,W0511 src/reports_api test

Running Unit Tests

  1. Tests are run from the Status bar at the bottom of the workbench in VS Code or pytest command.
  2. Next run make coverage to generate the coverage report, which appears in the htmlcov directory.