Local Host:
Actuator Endpoint Local: http://localhost:8080/actuator/health
Code Climate: https://codeclimate.com/github/bcgov/jag-crdp
WSDL Endpoint Local: N/A
BASIC_AUTH_PASS: The password for the basic authentication. This can be any value for local
BASIC_AUTH_USER: The username for the basic authentication. This can be any value for local
transmit receiver: 1) ORDS_HOST: The url for ords rest package 2) CRON_JOB_OUTGOING_FILE: CRON expression (6-field CRON) for running transmit receiver 3) RECEIVER_QUEUE_NAME: RabbitMQ queue name for receiver messages, up to 255 bytes of UTF-8 characters 4) RECEIVER_ROUTING_KEY: RabbitMQ routing key linking to RECEIVER_QUEUE_NAME 5) RABBIT_EXCHANGE_NAME: RabbitMQ direct exchange name, which links a pair of routing key and queue name 6) RABBIT_MQ_HOST: RabbitMQ host, 'localhost' by default if installing a RabbitMQ on a local computer 7) RABBIT_MQ_USERNAME: RabbitMQ host username 8) RABBIT_MQ_PASSWORD: RabbitMQ host password 9) ORDS_READ_TIMEOUT: Timeout in seconds which expects the response/result from ORDS
transmit sender: 1) ORDS_HOST: The url for ords rest package 2) OUTGOING_FILE_DIR: The path to where the outgoing file is sent on SFEG server 3) RECEIVER_QUEUE_NAME: RabbitMQ queue name for receiver messages, up to 255 bytes of UTF-8 characters 4) RABBIT_MQ_HOST: RabbitMQ host, 'localhost' by default if installing a RabbitMQ on a local computer 5) RABBIT_MQ_USERNAME: RabbitMQ host username 6) RABBIT_MQ_PASSWORD: RabbitMQ host password 7) SFEG_USERNAME: The username to access SFEG server 8) SFEG_HOST: The url to SFEG server 9) SFTP_KNOWN_HOSTS: The location of known_hosts file 10) SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY: The location of private security key for accessing SFEG server 11) ORDS_READ_TIMEOUT: Timeout in seconds which expects the response/result from ORDS
process scanner: 1) SCANNER_QUEUE_NAME: RabbitMQ queue name for scanner messages, up to 255 bytes of UTF-8 characters 2) SCANNER_ROUTING_KEY: RabbitMQ routing key linking to SCANNER_QUEUE_NAME 3) RABBIT_EXCHANGE_NAME: RabbitMQ direct exchange name, which links a pair of routing key and queue name 4) RABBIT_MQ_HOST: RabbitMQ host, 'localhost' by default if installing a RabbitMQ on a local computer 5) RABBIT_MQ_USERNAME: RabbitMQ host username 6) RABBIT_MQ_PASSWORD: RabbitMQ host password 7) INCOMING_FILE_DIR: The path at where the incoming file is stored on SFEG server 8) PROCESSING_DIR: The path at where the in-progress file is stored on SFEG server 9) CRON_JOB_INCOMING_FILE: CRON expression (6-field CRON) for running process scanner 10) RECORD_TTL_HOUR: TTL in hours for clearing ERRORS and COMPLETED directory 11) SFEG_USERNAME: The username to access SFEG server 12) SFEG_HOST: The url to SFEG server 13) SFTP_KNOWN_HOSTS: The location of known_hosts file 14) SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY: The location of private security key for accessing SFEG server 15) SFTP_ENABLED: true/false on whether SFTP is used (if false - only in local testing, local file system will be used)
process transformer: 1) ORDS_HOST: The url for ords rest package 2) SCANNER_QUEUE_NAME: RabbitMQ queue name for scanner messages, up to 255 bytes of UTF-8 characters 3) RABBIT_MQ_USERNAME: RabbitMQ host username 4) RABBIT_MQ_PASSWORD: RabbitMQ host password 5) RABBIT_MQ_HOST: RabbitMQ host, 'localhost' by default if installing a RabbitMQ on a local computer 6) PROCESSING_DIR: The path at where the in-progress file is stored on SFEG server 7) COMPLETED_DIR: The path at where the completed file is stored on SFEG server 8) ERRORS_DIR: The path at where the erred file is stored on SFEG server 9) SFEG_USERNAME: The username to access SFEG server 10) SFEG_HOST: The url to SFEG server 11) SFTP_KNOWN_HOSTS: The location of known_hosts file 12) SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY: The private security key for accessing SFEG server 13) SFTP_ENABLED: true/false on whether SFTP is used (if false - only in local testing, local file system will be used) 14) ORDS_READ_TIMEOUT: Timeout in seconds which expects the response/result from ORDS
SPLUNK_HTTP_URL: The url for the splunk hec.
SPLUNK_TOKEN: The bearer token to authenticate the application.
SPLUNK_INDEX: The index that the application will push logs to. The index must be created in splunk before they can be pushed to.
1) Make sure using java 11 for the project modals and sdk
2) Run mvn compile
3) Make sure jag-crdp-common-models
, jag-crdp-transmit-models
and jag-crdp-process-models
are marked as generated sources roots (xjc)
Run docker run -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:management
Option A) Intellij 1) Set env variables. 2) Run the application
Option B) Jar, e.g., to run 'jag-crdp-transmit-receiver' application
1) Run mvn package
2) Run cd jag-crdp-transmit-receiver
3) Run java -jar ./target/jag-crdp-transmit-receiver.jar $ENV_VAR$
(Note that $ENV_VAR$ are environment variables)
Option C) Docker, e.g., to run 'jag-crdp-transmit-receiver' application
1) Run mvn package
2) Run cd jag-crdp-transmit-receiver
3) Run docker build -t jag-crdp-transmit-receiver .
from root folder
4) Run docker run -p 8080:8080 jag-crdp-transmit-receiver $ENV_VAR$
(Note that $ENV_VAR$ are environment variables)
1) Do not commit \CRLF use unix line enders
2) Run the linter mvn spotless:apply
1) Run mvn clean verify
2) Open crdp-code-coverage/target/site/jacoco/index.html
in a browser