Local Host:
WSDL Endpoint Local: http://localhost:8080/ws/SCSS.Source.CeisScss.ws.provider:CeisScss?WSDL
Actuator Endpoint Local: http://localhost:8080/actuator/health
BASIC_AUTH_PASS: The password for the basic authentication. This can be any value for local.
BASIC_AUTH_USER: The username for the basic authentication. This can be any value for local.
ORDS_HOST: The url for requesting ords and rest package. ORDS_USERNAME: ORDS_HOST authentication ORDS_PASSWORD: ORDS_HOST authentication ORDS_READ_TIMEOUT: Timeout in seconds which expects the response/result from ORDS.
SPLUNK_HTTP_URL: The url for the splunk hec.
SPLUNK_TOKEN: The bearer token to authenticate the application.
SPLUNK_INDEX: The index that the application will push logs to. The index must be created in splunk before they can be pushed to.
1) Make sure using java 17 for the project modals and sdk
2) Run mvn compile
3) Make sure target/generated-sources/xjc
folder in included in module path
Via IDE 1) Set env variables. 2) Run the application
Via Jar
1) Run mvn package
2) Run java -jar ./target/scss-application.jar
Via Docker
1) Run mvn package
2) Run docker build -t scss-api .
from root folder
3) Run docker run -p 8080:8080 scss-api
1) Do not commit \CRLF use unix line enders
2) Run the linter mvn spotless:apply
1) Run mvn test
2) Run mvn jacoco:report
3) Open target/site/jacoco/index.html
in a browser